The symbolic tool for software rapid prototyping
Operator table

Most of the ContRap operators are prefixed with the ''operator''-keyword. The parser will continue reading the next token after the ''operator''-keyword thus considering it as a part of the operator name.

Parser syntax Operator Typical usage
a and b and(a,b) Logical ''and''-operation
a or b or(a,b) Logical ''or''-operation
not a not(a) Logical ''not''-operation
a + b operator+(a,b) Infix addition
-a operator-(a) Prefix subtraction
a - b operator+(a,operator-(b)) Infix subtraction
a * b operator*(a,b) Infix multiplication
a / b operator/(a,b) Infix division
a ^ b operator^(a,b) Power, transposition, conjugation
a! operator!(a) Factorial
a | b operator|(a,b) Scalar product, inner product
a[b,...] operator[](a,b,...) Element access for complex structures
a := b operator:=(a) Assignment operator
a = b operator=(a,b) Equations, semantic equality
a == b operator==(a,b) Syntactic identity, identity
a < b operator<(a,b) Order relations
a <= b operator<=(a,b) Order relations
a > b operator>(a,b) Order relations
a >= b operator>=(a,b) Order relations
a <- b operator<-(a,b) Appending, concatenation from right
a << b operator<<(a,b) Element appending from right, left shift
a -> b operator->(a,b) Appending, concatenation from left
a >> b operator>>(a,b) Element appending from left, right shift

You can define your own operators using the register_operator-method of the ContRap Parser class.