The symbolic tool for software rapid prototyping
Release versions

Download the latest release version by clicking on the appropriate icon.

Version 2.1.2,
Linux (Debian)

Version 1.1.4,
Mac OS (Darwin)

Version 1.1.4,
Windows (MinGW)
Debian Linux

The ContRap team hosts a Debian repository on this site. To use it you have to add the following line to your repository manager (e.g. Synaptic)

deb distribution contrap

where ''distribution'' is one of ''lenny'', ''squeeze'', ''jaunty'' or ''lucid''. After adding the repository information you can install the packages by choosing all the repository entries starting with ''contrap''.

If you do not use a package manager like Synaptic, you can do the installation by hand. Create a file ''/etc/apt/sources.list.d/contrap.list'' with the following contents:

# contrap
deb distribution contrap

Again ''distribution'' is one of ''lenny'', ''squeeze'', ''jaunty'' or ''lucid''. You install the packages with the commands:

aptitude update
aptitude install contrap-pre1 contrap-pre1-dev contrap-gui-pre1 contrap-libraries-pre1 contrap-libraries-pre1-dev contrap-baseplugins-pre1 contrap-cvplugins-pre1 contrap-ginac-pre1 contrap-lapack-pre1 contrap-qtplugins-pre1 contrap-qwtplugins-pre1

You can leave out the plugin package names which you do not require. The packages ''contrap-pre1'' and ''contrap-gui-pre1'' contain the core components and the user interface respectively. The development package contains the headers and libraries to create your own plugins.

Beta version via SVN

To get the newest ContRap updates use the SVN repository. Follow the build instructions to compile and use ContRap from source.

Change to the desired folder and type to check out the ContRap base repository with the command

svn co ContRap

After a successful download there are several subdirectories in the ContRap folder. The core components are in the ContRap/ContRap directory. The user interface is located in the ContRap/GUI foldter. Other directories contain the plugin libraries.

The SourceForge project page can be found here.