ContRap function overview
- CvMat(filename:String):CvMat
- Loads an OpenCV matrix from file with a header element-wise
- CvMat(filename:String,rows:int,columns:int,format:String):CvMat
- Loads an OpenCV matrix from file element-wise
- CvMat(data:List):CvMat
- Creates a CvMat instance from a list of numbers
- CvMat(points:std::vector<CvPoint2D32f>):CvMat
- Creates a matrix from a vector of points
- CvMat(rows:int,columns:int,format:String):CvMat
- Creates a new OpenCV matrix from size
- append(matrix:CvMat,other:CvMat):CvMat
- Appends a matrix to the end of the first matrix
- columns(matrix:CvMat):int
- Returns the column number of an OpenCV matrix
- operator*(left:CvMat,right:CvMat):CvMat
- Multiplies two OpenCV matrices
- operator+(left:CvMat,right:CvMat):CvMat
- Adds two OpenCV matrices
- operator[](matrix:CvMat,row:int,column:int)
- Returns an element of the matrix
- operator^(matrix:CvMat,power:):CvMat
- Powers an OpenCV matrix
- put(matrix:CvMat,source:CvMat,row:int,column:int):void
- Puts an OpenCV matrix into the given matrix at the given position
- rows(matrix:CvMat):int
- Returns the row number of an OpenCV matrix
- save(matrix:CvMat,filename:String,header:bool):void
- Writes an OpenCV matrix to a file
- CvPoint(x:int,y:int):CvPoint
- Creates a CvPoint instance from two integers
- x(point:CvPoint):int
- Returns a reference to the X-coordinate of a CvPoint
- y(point:CvPoint):int
- Returns a reference to the Y-coordinate of a CvPoint
- CvScalar(value:double):CvScalar
- Creates a CvScalar from a gray value amount
- CvScalar(r:double,g:double,b:double,alpha:double):CvScalar
- Creates a CvScalar from a list of color entries
- CvVideoGrabber(camera:int):CvVideoGrabber
- Creates an empty uninitialized grabber
- grab(self:CvVideoGrabber):IplImage
- Grabs an image from the camera
- init(self:CvVideoGrabber,camera:int):void
- Initializes the camera driver
- setExposure(self:CvVideoGrabber,value:int):void
- Sets the exposure of the device
- setGain(self:CvVideoGrabber,value:int):void
- Sets the shutter value
- setResolution(self:CvVideoGrabber,width:int,height:int):void
- Sets the resolution of the image
- stop(self:CvVideoGrabber):void
- Stops capturing from the camera
- FILE(filename:String,mode:String):FILE
- Opens a file for the given mode
- close(file:FILE):void
- Closes the file descriptor
- read(file:FILE):String
- Reads a string from a file
- write(file:FILE,text:String):void
- Writes a string to a file
- GLLine(start:GLVertex,end:GLVertex):GLLine
- Creates a new line primitive from its coordinates
- GLLine(a:GLVertex,b:GLVertex,c:GLVertex):GLTriangle
- Creates a triangle primitive from three points
- GLPlane(x:GLVertex,n:GLVertex,w:double):GLPlane
- Creates a new plane primitive from its coordinates
- GLPoint(p:GLVertex):GLPoint
- Creates a new point primitive from its coordinates
- move(primitive:GLPrimitive,position:GLVertex):void
- Moves a primitive
- setColor(primitive:GLPrimitive,color:QRgb):void
- Sets the color of a primitive
- add(scene:GLScene,primitive:GLPrimitive):void
- Removes a primitive from the OpenGL scene
- GLSphere(x:GLVertex,r:double):GLSphere
- Creates a new sphere primitive from its coordinates
- GLVertex(x:double,y:double,z:double):GLVertex
- Creates a new vertex from its coordinates
- IplImage(image:QImage):IplImage
- Converts a QImage to an IplImage
- IplImage(filename:String):IplImage
- Loads an image using the OpenCV image loader
- IplImage(width:int,height:int,channels:int):IplImage
- Creates an IplImage from width and height
- height(image:IplImage):int
- Returns the height of an OpenCV image
- line(image:IplImage,start:CvPoint,end:CvPoint,channel:int):std::vector<double>
- Returns an array of double values, which form a line and a given channel in the image
- resize(image:IplImage,width:int,height:int):IplImage
- Resizes an image to the given size
- save(image:IplImage,filename:String):void
- Saves an image using the OpenCV image save function
- set(image:IplImage,x:int,y:int,scalar:CvScalar):void
- Sets the scalar value of a pixel at the given position
- set(image:IplImage,x:int,y:int,value:double):void
- Sets the scalar value of a pixel at the given position
- width(image:IplImage):int
- Returns the width of an OpenCV image
- List(value:matrix):List
- Returns all the elements of the given column matirx in a list
- List(size:int,entry:):List
- Creates a list with empty entries
- operator->(value:List,list:List):List
- Appends a list at the beginning of the list by modifying the list
- operator<-(list:List,value:List):List
- Appends a list at the end of the list by modifying the list
- operator<<(list:List,value:):List
- Appends an element at the end of the list by modifying the list
- operator>>(value:,list:List):List
- Appends an element at the beginning of the list by modifying the list
- operator[](list:List,index:int)
- Provides access to a list element
- set(list:List,index:int,entry:):List
- Sets a value of the list
- size(value:List):int
- Returns the size of a list
- Primitive2D(matrix:CvMat):Primitive2D
- Converts a matrix to a list of point primitives
- Primitive2D(sequence:CvSeq):Primitive2D
- Converts a vector of points to primitives
- Primitive2D(points:std::vector<CvPoint2D32f>):Primitive2D
- Converts a vector of points to primitives
- QColor(color:String):QColor
- Creates a QColor instance from a string with the color name
- QColor(r:int,g:int,b:int):QColor
- Converts integer values to a QColor instance
- QImage(image:IplImage):QImage
- Converts an IplImage to a QImage
- QImage(filename:String):QImage
- Loads an image from the disk
- QImage(width:int,height:int):QImage
- Creates a new QImage class instance
- drawLine(image:QImage,start:QPoint,end:QPoint,color:QColor):void
- Draws a line segment into a QImage
- get(image:QImage,x:int,y:int):QRgb
- Returns an image pixel
- height(image:QImage):int
- Returns the height of an image
- save(image:QImage,file_name:String):void
- Saves the image to the disk
- scale(image:QImage,width:int,height:int):QImage
- Scales a QImage to the given size
- set(image:QImage,x:int,y:int,color:QRgb):void
- Sets an image pixel
- show(image:QImage):void
- Shows an QImage in a widget
- width(image:QImage):int
- Returns the width of an image
- QPointF(list:List):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from a list
- QPointF(x:double,y:double):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from two floats
- x(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QPoint(x:int,y:int):QPoint
- Creates a QPoint instance from two integers
- x(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QRectF():QRectF
- Creates an empty QRectF instance
- QRectF(list:List):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four floating point numbers
- QRectF(x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four doubles
- height(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRectF instance from floats
- width(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QRect():QRect
- Creates an empty QRect instance
- QRect(x:int,y:int,width:int,height:int):QRect
- Creates a QRect instance from integers
- height(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRect instance from floats
- width(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QSizeF(width:double,height:double):QSizeF
- Creates a new floating point size from width and height
- QSize(width:int,height:int):QSize
- Creates a new size from width and height
- QString(value:String):QString
- Creates a QString from a string
- attach(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes the status of the widget
- fullscreen(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Sets the widgets full screen mode
- resize(widget:QWidget,width:int,height:int):void
- Changes the size of a widget
- show(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes a visibility status of a widget
- QtCanvas():QtCanvas
- Creates a new empty QtCanvas instance
- addCoordinates(canvas:QtCanvas,position:QPointF,range:QRectF):void
- Adds a coordinate axis to the canvas
- addImage(canvas:QtCanvas,image:,position:QPointF):void
- Adds an image observer to the canvas
- add(canvas:QtCanvas,image:QImage,position:QPointF):void
- Adds an image to the canvas
- add(canvas:QtCanvas,container:Container2D):void
- Adds primitives to the canvas
- lines(canvas:QtCanvas):Container2D
- Returns the lines of the canvas
- points(canvas:QtCanvas):Container2D
- Returns the points of the canvas
- remove(canvas:QtCanvas,type:int):void
- Removes primitives from the canvas
- setRange(canvas:QtCanvas,range:QRectF):void
- Sets the range of the canvas
- update(canvas:QtCanvas):void
- Updates the canvas
- QtFileDialog():QtFileDialog
- Constructs a new file dialog
- changed(self:QtFileDialog,command:):void
- Performs an action when the file name in the dialog has been changed
- file(self:QtFileDialog):String
- Returns the name of the selected file
- QtGLViewer():QtGLViewer
- Creates a new OpenGL viewer
- add(self:QtGLViewer,primitive:GLPrimitive):void
- Adds a primitive to the scene
- remove(self:QtGLViewer,primitive:GLPrimitive):void
- Removes an item from the top level scene of the widget
- reset(self:QtGLViewer):void
- Clears the primitives inside the viewer
- QtImageViewer(options:List):QtImageViewer
- Constructs an image viewer with the given options
- clear(self:QtImageViewer):void
- Clears the external primitives
- click(self:QtImageViewer,expression:):void
- Defines the widget behaviour when the image is clicked
- cursor(self:QtImageViewer):QPointF
- Returns the cursor position
- move(self:QtImageViewer,expression:):void
- Defines the widget behaviour when the cursor moves over the image
- setImage(self:QtImageViewer,image:QImage):void
- Sets the image to view
- setPrimitive(self:QtImageViewer,primitive:Primitive2D):void
- Sets external primitives to draw
- QtLineEdit():QtLineEdit
- Creates a new line edito widget
- setText(self:QtLineEdit,text:String):void
- Sets the text of the editor
- text(self:QtLineEdit):QString
- Returns the text of the widget
- changed(self:QtPlayer,expression:):void
- Sets the expression which should be evaluated if the player value has changed
- QtPushButton(text:String,expression:):QtPushButton
- pressed(self:QtPushButton,expression:):void
- Calls an expression when the button is pressed
- setText(self:QtPushButton,text:String):void
- Sets the text of the button
- QtSlider():QtSlider
- change(self:QtSlider,expression:):void
- Sets the expression which should be evaluated if the slider value has changed
- position(self:QtSlider):int
- Returns the slider value
- setRange(self:QtSlider,min:int,max:int):void
- Sets the range of the slider
- set(self:QtSlider,value:int):void
- Sets the slider value
- QtTimer(command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer without starting it
- QtTimer(time:int,command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer and starts it with the given timeout period
- start(timer:QtTimer,time:int):void
- Starts a timer which executes a command on timeout
- stop(timer:QtTimer):void
- Stops the timer
- QwtImplicitCurve(expression:):QwtImplicitCurve
- Creates a raster data from an expression
- QwtPlotCurve():QwtPlotCurve
- Creates a new empty plot curve
- QwtPlotCurve(start:QPointF,end:QPointF):QwtPlotCurve
- Creates a new simple line plot curve
- QwtPlotCurve(plot:QwtPlot):QwtPlotCurve
- Creates a new empty plot curve
- QwtPlotCurve(data:QwtData):QwtPlotCurve
- Creates a new plot curve with given data
- attach(curve:QwtPlotCurve,plot:QwtPlot):void
- Attaches a curve to the widget
- detach(curve:QwtPlotCurve):void
- Attaches a curve to the widget
- setData(curve:QwtPlotCurve,data:QwtData):QwtPlotCurve
- Creates a new plot curve with given data
- setData(curve:QwtPlotCurve,data:std::vector<double>):QwtPlotCurve
- Creates a new plot curve with given data
- QwtPlotSpectrogram():QwtPlotSpectrogram
- Creates a new plot spectrogram
- QwtPlotSpectrogram(data:QwtRasterData):QwtPlotSpectrogram
- Creates a new plot spectrogram with given data
- QwtPlotSpectrogram(plot:QwtPlot):QwtPlotSpectrogram
- Creates a new plot spectrogram attached to the given plot
- QwtPlotSpectrogram(expression:):QwtPlotSpectrogram
- Creates a new plot spectrogram with a given implicit function
- attach(spectrogram:QwtPlotSpectrogram,plot:QwtPlot):void
- Attaches a curve to the widget
- detach(spectrogram:QwtPlotSpectrogram):void
- Attaches a curve to the widget
- setData(spectrogram:QwtPlotSpectrogram,data:QwtRasterData):void
- Creates a new plot curve with given data
- QwtPlotWidget(options:List):QwtPlotWidget
- Creates a new empty plot
- add(plot:QwtPlotWidget,item:QwtPlotItem):QwtPlotItem
- Adds a plot item to the plot
- add(plot:QwtPlotWidget,spectrogram:QwtPlotSpectrogram):QwtPlotSpectrogram
- Adds a spectrogram to the plot
- add(plot:QwtPlotWidget,curve:QwtPlotCurve):QwtPlotCurve
- Adds a curve to the plot
- clear(plot:QwtPlotWidget):void
- Clears the plot
- String(value:QString):String
- Creates a String from a QString
- String(value:std::string):String
- Constructs a string from a standard string
- String(value:double):String
- Constructs a string from a floating point number
- String(value:int):String
- Constructs a string from an integer
- split(value:String,delimiter:String):List
- Splits a string in a list of strings
- TestClass(value:String):TestClass
- Creates a class instance
- get(self:TestClass):String
- A getter method
- Test(test:String):Test
- Constructor of the class
- set(self:Test,value:String):void
- Setter method of the class
- XMLDataPool():XMLDataPool
- Creates an XML data pool from scratch
- XMLDataPool(text:String):XMLDataPool
- Creates an XML data pool from an XML string
- getBool(pool:XMLDataPool,key:String):bool
- Returns a boolean value associated with the given address
- getDouble(pool:XMLDataPool,key:String):double
- Returns a double value associated with the given address
- getInt(pool:XMLDataPool,key:String):int
- Returns a int value associated with the given address
- load(pool:XMLDataPool,filename:String):XMLDataPool
- Loads an XML data pool from file
- load(filename:String):XMLDataPool
- Loads an XML data pool from file
- operator[](pool:XMLDataPool,key:String):String
- Returns a string with the text value associated with the given address
- operator[](pool:XMLDataPool,key:String,attribute:String):String
- Returns an attribute associated with the given address and attribute name
- save(pool:XMLDataPool,filename:String):void
- Saves an XML data pool to a file
- set(pool:XMLDataPool,key:String,value:String):void
- Sets the value of the given key
- set(pool:XMLDataPool,key:String,attribute:String,value:String):void
- Sets the value of the given attribute
- Complex(value:Identifier):complex
- Creates a complex number from an arbitrary object
- Complex(value:double):complex
- Creates an complex number from a double
- Complex(real:double,imaginary:double):complex
- Creates an complex number from two floating point numbers
- Container2D(list:List):Container2D
- Creates a container of primitives from a primitives list
- CvSize(width:int,height:int):CvSize
- Creates a CvSize instance from two integers
- E(dimension:int,unit:int):lvector_t
- Creates a LAPACK a unit vector
- Floating(number:String):ex
- Creates a GiNaC floating expression from string
- GLVector3f(list:List):GLVertex
- Creates an OpenGL vector from a list of its coordinates
- I(size:int):matrix
- Creates a diagonal square matrix
- Id(a:)
- Returns the smart pointer without changing it
- Im(value:numeric):numeric
- Returns the imaginary part of a value
- Im(value:complex):double
- Returns the real part of a complex number
- Integer(number:String):ex
- Creates a GiNaC integer expression from string
- Integer(value:double):int
- Creates an integer from a double
- Line2D(x:double,y:double,dx:double,dy:double):Line2D
- Creates a line primitive
- Point2D(x:double,y:double):Point2D
- Creates a point primitive
- QRgb(data:List):QRgb
- Converts a list of integers to an RGB value
- QRgb(r:int,g:int,b:int):QRgb
- Converts integer values to an RGB value
- Re(value:numeric):ex
- Returns the real part of a value
- Re(value:complex):double
- Returns the real part of a complex number
- Rect2D(x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):Rect2D
- Creates a rect primitive
- abs(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the absolute value of the given value
- abs(value:complex):complex
- Computes the absolute value of the argument
- abs(value:double):double
- Computes the absolute value of the argument
- abs(value:int):int
- Computes the absolute value of the argument
- acos(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the arcus cosinus function
- address(object:):String
- Prints the address of an object
- and(left:bool,right:bool):bool
- Logical and operator
- arccos(x:double):double
- Computes the arcus cosinus of a given floating point value
- arcsin(x:double):double
- Computes the arcus sinus of a given floating point value
- arctan(x:double):double
- Computes the arcus tangens of a given floating point value
- asin(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the arcus sinus function
- atan(dy:numeric,dx:numeric):numeric
- Evaluates the arcus tangens function with two argumens
- atan(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the arcus tangens function
- blue(pixel:QtPixelRef):int
- Gives access to the blue component of a pixel reference
- bool(value:double):bool
- Converts a boolean value to an floating value
- bool(value:int):bool
- Converts a boolean value to an integer value
- cast(object:,type:String)
- Makes a call to the type_cast()-method
- ceil(value:double):double
- Computes the smallest integer bigger than the input value
- charpoly(value:matrix,lambda:ex):ex
- Computes the characteristic polynomial of a matrix
- cin():String
- This method reads a string from the console
- coeff(value:ex,object:,degree:int):ex
- Returns the coefficient of a univariate polynomial with respect to the given variable occurring with the given degree
- collect(value:ex,identifier:Identifier):ex
- Reorders the polynomial with respect to a given variable
- complex(value:int):complex
- Creates an complex number from an integer
- concurrent(commands:List)
- Starts several commands concurrently
- content(value:ex,identifier:Identifier):ex
- Returns the content of the polynomial
- cos(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the cosinus function
- cos(x:double):double
- Computes the cosinus of a given floating point value
- cout(string:String):void
- This method writes an unformatted string to the console
- csgn(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the complex sign function
- cvAffineCyclic(image:IplImage,scale:double,shift:double):IplImage
- Transforms an image pixel-wise by an affine-linear transformation
- cvAffine(image:IplImage,scale:double,shift:double):IplImage
- Transforms an image pixel-wise by an affine-linear transformation
- cvBackProject(image:IplImage,P:CvMat,D:CvMat):CvMat
- Computes the ray
- cvCalibrateCameraExtrinsic(object:CvMat,image:CvMat,counts:CvMat,size:CvSize,guess:CvMat):List
- Calibrates a camera using the OpenCV calibration method
- cvCalibrateCamera(object:CvMat,image:CvMat,counts:CvMat,size:CvSize,guess:CvMat):List
- Calibrates a camera using the OpenCV calibration method
- cvCameraExtrinsic(object:CvMat,image:CvMat,P:CvMat,D:CvMat):List
- Finds the extrinsic parameters of the camera
- cvCameraLoadXML(filename:String,name:String):List
- Loads a description of an OpenCV camera from an XML file
- cvCameraLoad(filename:String):List
- Loads a description of an OpenCV camera from the file
- cvCameraSaveXML(filename:String,P:CvMat,D:CvMat):void
- Saves a description of an OpenCV camera to an XML file
- cvCameraSave(filename:String,P:CvMat,D:CvMat):void
- Saves a description of an OpenCV camera to the file
- cvCanny(image:IplImage):IplImage
- Computes the edges using the Canny edge detector
- cvChannel(image:IplImage,channel:int):IplImage
- Extracts a channel from the image
- cvComponents(image:IplImage):List
- Finds all the connected components in a binary image
- cvCut(image:IplImage,min:int,max:int):IplImage
- Cuts out the range between the minimum and the maximum from each image channel
- cvDilate(image:IplImage,kernel:IplConvKernel,iterations:int):IplImage
- Dilates the image with the given kernel
- cvDistance(image:IplImage,r:int,g:int,b:int):IplImage
- Returns a gray-value image in which the values for each pixel give the the distance to the given color
- cvEigenimage(image:IplImage,blocks:int,aperture:int):IplImage
- Computes an image containing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the input image
- cvErode(image:IplImage,kernel:IplConvKernel,iterations:int):IplImage
- Erodes the image with the given kernel
- cvFeatures(image:IplImage,number:int,quality:double,distance:double):std::vector<CvPoint2D32f>
- Detects feature points in an image using the cvGoodFeaturesToTrack function
- cvFindChessboard(image:IplImage,size:CvSize):std::vector<CvPoint2D32f>
- Detects chessboard corners in an image
- cvFundamental(previous:CvMat,current:CvMat):CvMat
- Computes the fundamental matrix from point correspondences
- cvGauss(image:IplImage):IplImage
- Implements the gaussian filter on an IplImage
- cvHoughLines(image:IplImage):CvSeq
- Detects lines in the an image
- cvLaplace(image:IplImage):IplImage
- Computes the laplace transformation to the image
- cvMakePrototype(size:CvSize,h:double,v:double):CvMat
- Creates a chessboard prototype matrix with a given size
- cvOpticalFlow(previous:IplImage,features:std::vector<CvPoint2D32f>,current:IplImage,size:int):List
- Computes the optical flow using the cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK function.
- cvRefineFeatures(image:IplImage,features:std::vector<CvPoint2D32f>,size:int):void
- Uses the cvFindCornerSubPix function to refine the features found with some other algorithm.
- cvSobel(image:IplImage,aperture:int,dx:int,dy:int):IplImage
- Computes the Sobel operator in the given image
- cvThreshold(image:IplImage,threshold:int):IplImage
- Computes the threshold image
- cvToGray(image:IplImage):IplImage
- Converts an image to a grayvalue image
- cvToHSV(image:IplImage):IplImage
- Converts an image to the HSV color model
- cvUndistort(image:IplImage,P:CvMat,D:CvMat):IplImage
- Undistorts the image to compensate for lens distortion
- cylindricSurface(function:):GLSurface
- Creates a cylindric surface from a surface generating function
- degree(value:ex,identifier:Identifier):int
- Degree of a polynomial
- denom(value:ex):ex
- Returns the denominator of the expression
- det(value:matrix):ex
- Computes the determinant of a square matrix
- detach(item:QwtPlotItem):void
- Removes a specific item from the plot
- diag(data:List):matrix
- Creates a matrix with given elements in the diagonal
- diff(value:ex,object:Object):ex
- Differentiation of expressions
- directory(path:String):List
- Returns the contents of a given directory
- double(expression:ex):double
- Implicit converters from number-valued expressions
- double(value:int):double
- Creates a double from an integer
- dumplog():void
- Dumps the logger messages to the console
- environment(name:String):String
- Returns a value of an environment variable
- evalf(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates an expression as a floating number
- expand(value:ex):ex
- Expansion of expressions
- factorize(expression:ex):ex
- Performs polynomial factorization
- factory():String
- Prints the contents of the object factory
- floor(value:double):double
- Computes the biggest integer smaller than the input value
- gcd(left:ex,right:ex):ex
- Polynomial GCD
- generalizedeigenvalues(A:lmatrix_t,B:lmatrix_t):List
- Computes the generalized eigenvalues of a matrix pencil
- generalizedhessenberg(A:lmatrix_t,B:lmatrix_t):List
- Computes the generalized Hessenberg form of a matrix
- generalizedschur(A:lmatrix_t,B:lmatrix_t):List
- Computes the generalized Schur form of a matrix pencil
- globalTimestamp():int
- Returns the time stamp of an object
- globalinfo(type:String):MetaInfo
- Returns the meta information for the given type
- glutInit():void
- Initializes the GLUT library by calling the init function
- gray(pixel:QtPixelRef):int
- Converts a pixel reference to a grayvalue
- green(pixel:QtPixelRef):int
- Gives access to the green component of a pixel reference
- int(expression:ex):int
- Implicit convertors from number-valued expressions
- int(value:double):int
- Cast from a floating value to an int value
- integral(expression:ex,variable:Identifier,min:ex,max:ex):ex
- Creates a symbolic integral
- isqrt(value:numeric):numeric
- Returns the integer square root of the expression
- lcm(left:ex,right:ex):ex
- Polynomial LCM
- lcoeff(value:ex,object:Object):ex
- Returns the leading coefficient of a polynomial with respect to a variable
- ldegree(value:ex,identifier:Identifier):int
- Returns the low degree of a polynomial with respect to a variable
- lgamma(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the logarithm of the gamma function
- libraries():List
- Returns the list of all loaded libraries
- ln(x:double):double
- Computes the natural logarithm of a given floating point value
- log(x:double):double
- Computes the common logarithm of a given floating point value
- lst(list:List):lst
- Converts a list into a GiNaC list
- map(container:,u:int,entry:):void
- Writes entries into a one dimensional container
- map(container:,u:int,v:int,entry:):void
- Writes entries into a two dimensional container
- max(left:double,right:double):double
- Computes the maximum of two floating point numbers
- maxrnd():int
- Returns the maximum number which can be obtained by calling the random function
- memory():String
- Prints out the current memory contents as a list
- metacast(object:,type:String)
- Makes a cast using the meta-cast function only
- metainfo(object:):MetaInfo
- Returns the meta information for the given object
- min(left:double,right:double):double
- Computes the minimum of two floating point numbers
- mod(lvalue:int,rvalue:int):int
- Division rest operator
- nonstop():void
- Function which does not return
- not(value:bool):bool
- Logical not operator
- numer(value:ex):ex
- Returns the numerator of the expression
- operator()(a:int,b:int):int
- Evaluates the operator() on an integer, which multiplies the integer with the argument
- operator*(left:ex,right:ex):ex
- Multiplication of two expressions
- operator*(left:complex,right:complex):complex
- Multiplies two complex numbers
- operator*(left:double,right:double):double
- Multiplies two floating numbers
- operator*(left:int,right:int):int
- Multiplies two integers
- operator+(left:String,right:String):String
- Adds two strings
- operator+(left:ex,right:ex):ex
- Addition of two expressions
- operator+(left:complex,right:complex):complex
- Adds two complex numbers
- operator+(left:double,right:double):double
- Adds two floating numbers
- operator+(left:int,right:int):int
- Adds two integers
- operator-(value:ex):ex
- Algebraic negation with respect to the addition
- operator-(value:complex):complex
- Negates a complex number
- operator-(value:double):double
- Inverts a floating number
- operator-(value:int):int
- Inverts an integer with resect to the addition
- operator/(left:ex,right:ex):ex
- Division of two expressions
- operator/(left:complex,right:complex):complex
- Divides two complex numbers
- operator/(left:double,right:double):double
- Divides two floating numbers
- operator/(left:int,right:int):int
- Divides two integers
- operator<=(left:numeric,right:numeric):bool
- Comparison operator
- operator<=(lvalue:ex,rvalue:ex):bool
- Order relation
- operator<=(left:double,right:double):bool
- Computes the order relation
- operator<(left:numeric,right:numeric):bool
- Comparison operator
- operator<(lvalue:ex,rvalue:ex):bool
- Order relation
- operator<(left:double,right:double):bool
- Computes the order relation
- operator==(left:numeric,right:numeric):bool
- Comparison operator
- operator==(left:ex,right:ex):bool
- Comparison operator
- operator=(left:numeric,right:numeric):bool
- Comparison operator
- operator=(left:String,right:String):bool
- Computes the relation
- operator=(left:ex,right:ex):ex
- Comparison operator
- operator=(a:MetaInfo,b:MetaInfo):bool
- Returns true if two meta info objects have the same base type
- operator=(left:double,right:double):bool
- Computes the relation
- operator=(left:int,right:int):bool
- Computes the equality relation
- operator>=(left:numeric,right:numeric):bool
- Comparison operator
- operator>=(lvalue:ex,rvalue:ex):bool
- Order relation
- operator>=(left:double,right:double):bool
- Computes the order relation
- operator>(lvalue:ex,rvalue:ex):bool
- Order relation
- operator>(left:double,right:double):bool
- Computes the order relation
- operator[](image:QImage,x:int,y:int):QtPixelRef
- Returns a pixel reference to a pixel in the image
- operator[](scalar:CvScalar,channel:int):double
- Provides access to the channels of a CvScalar instance
- operator[](image:IplImage,x:int,y:int):CvScalar
- Returns the scalar value of a pixel at the given position
- operator[](vector:std::vector<QImage>,index:int):QImage
- Referencing element access to the vector elements
- operator^(matrix:lmatrix_t,power:Identifier):lmatrix_t
- Power operator for LAPACK matrices
- operator^(left:ex,right:ex):ex
- Power of two expressions
- operator^(value:complex,power:complex):complex
- Powers a complex number
- operator^(value:double,power:double):double
- Powers a floating to a floating power
- operator^(value:int,power:int):int
- Powers an integer to an integer power
- option(a:String,b:int):int
- This function is a test whether the options work
- or(left:bool,right:bool):bool
- Logical or operator
- planarSurface(function:):GLSurface
- Creates a planar surface from a surface generating function
- plot(options:List):QwtPlotWidget
- Creates a new empty plot
- polynomial(value:ex,variables:):bool
- Tests if an expression is a polynomial in a list of variables
- print(point:QwtPlotMarker):String
- Prints the coordinates of a plot marker
- print(matrix:CvMat):String
- Prints an OpenCV matrix
- print(scalar:CvScalar):String
- Prints a CvScalar type
- print(vector:lvector_t):String
- Prints a LAPACK vector
- print(matrix:lmatrix_t):String
- Prints a LAPACK matrix
- print(value:lst):String
- Prints a GiNaC list using the ContRap XML printer
- print(value:numeric):String
- Prints a GiNaC numeric value
- print(value:String):String
- Prints a string
- print(value:matrix):String
- Prints a GiNaC matrix
- print(value:ex):String
- Prints a GiNaC expression using the ContRap XML printer
- print(metainfo:MetaInfo):String
- Prints the meta information object
- print(object:):String
- Base fancy printing function for ContRap internal data types
- print(value:bool):String
- Prints a boolean value
- print(value:double):String
- Prints a floating number
- print(value:int):String
- Prints an integer
- pwd():String
- Returns the path where the application was started
- qrdecomposition(A:lmatrix_t):List
- Computes the generalized Hessenberg form of a matrix
- qtExec():void
- Enters the QApplications exec method
- qtHorizontalLayout(widgets:List,size:QSize):QtLayoutWidget
- Layouts widgets given in the argument list horizontally
- qtLoadPGMV(filename:String):std::vector<QImage>
- Loads a gray value video from a file in the PGMV format
- qtStop():void
- Stops the event loop of Qt
- qtTeX(message:String):QImage
- Prints a latex message and returns an image of the printed code
- qtUpdate():void
- Updates the Qt event loop manually
- qtVerticalLayout(widgets:List,size:QSize):QtLayoutWidget
- Layouts widgets given in the argument list vertically
- quadraticeigensystem(M:lmatrix_t,C:lmatrix_t,K:lmatrix_t):List
- Computes the quadratic eigenvalue decomposition
- quotient(numerator:ex,denominator:ex,variable:ex):ex
- Polynomial division with remainder
- qwtdatacurve(data:List):QwtData
- Cereates a planar curve given by a set of points
- qwtimplicitcurve(data:Object,range:QRectF):QwtRasterData
- Cereates an planar implicit curve given by a function
- qwtparametriccurve(data:Object,range:IntervalF):QwtData
- Creates a parametric planar curve given by a function
- qwtpoint(point:QPointF):QwtPlotMarker
- Creates a simple point marker in the plane
- qwtpoint(x:double,y:double):QwtPlotMarker
- Cereates a simple point marker in the plane
- qzdecomposition(A:lmatrix_t,B:lmatrix_t):List
- Computes the QZ-decomposition of a matrix
- random():int
- Returns a positive integer random number
- random(left:double,right:double):double
- Returns a uniformly distributed floating point random number within the given range
- red(pixel:QtPixelRef):int
- Gives access to the red component of a pixel reference
- referenceTimestamp(object:):int
- Returns the time stamp of an object
- registered(type:String):bool
- Returns true if a type is registered by the meta-object registration
- remainder(numerator:ex,denominator:ex,variable:ex):ex
- Polynomial division with remainder
- render(widget:QWidget):QImage
- Renders a QWidget and returns the resulting picture
- round(value:double):double
- Rounds a floating value to an integer
- scope():String
- Prints out the current scope as a list
- simplify(value:ex):ex
- Simplification of expressions
- sin(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the sinus function
- sin(x:double):double
- Computes the sinus of a given floating point value
- sleep(time:int):void
- Sleeps a given amount of time
- sphericSurface(function:):GLSurface
- Creates a spheric surface from a surface generating function
- sqrt(value:ex):ex
- Returns the square root of the expression
- sqrt(x:double):double
- Computes the square root of a given floating point value
- squarefree(value:ex,variables:):ex
- Computes the square-free part of a polynomial
- step(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the step function
- subst(equations:List,expression:ex):ex
- Substitutes a list of equations for variables into an expression
- subst(equations:List,expression:)
- Substitutes a list of equations for variables into an expression
- system(command:String):int
- Calls a shell command
- tan(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the tangens function
- tan(x:double):double
- Computes the tangens of a given floating point value
- tcoeff(value:ex,object:Object):ex
- Returns the trailing coefficient of a polynomial with respect to a variable
- tcoeff(value:ex,identifier:Identifier):ex
- Trailing coefficient of a polynomial with respect to a variable
- templates(vector:std::vector<std::vector<double> >):std::vector<std::vector<double> >
- This function tests if the template constructors with nested arguments work
- tgamma(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the gamma function
- thread(command:):void
- Starts a command in a thread
- timestamp(object:):int
- Returns the time stamp of an object
- toString(object:):String
- Prints an object as a string for debugging
- tr(value:matrix):ex
- Computes the rank of a matrix
- typeid(type:String):String
- Returns unique system type identifier for the given type if the type is registered and an empty string else
- typename(id:String):String
- Returns registred type name for the given unique system type identifier if the type is registered and an empty string else
- types(a:double,b:int,c:int):int
- This function tests if the native export of pure types works
- types(a:int,b:int,c:int):int
- This function tests if the native export of pointer types works
- unit(form:matrix):ex
- Creates a generator of Clifford algebra units
- unit(value:ex,identifier:Identifier):ex
- Returns the unit part of the polynomial
- vector(data:List):matrix
- Creates a one-columned matrix with given elements in the diagonal
- vector(rows:int):matrix
- Creates a vector from its dimensions
- write(string:String):void
- Writes an unformatted string message to the output stream
- xmlprint(object:):String
- Abstract entrance to the string based XML-printer
- xmlwrite(string:String):void
- Writes a formatted string message to the output stream
- xor(left:int,right:int):int
- Computes the bitwise XOR operator
- ex(value:numeric):ex
- Creates a GiNaC expression from a numeric object
- ex(value:matrix):ex
- Returns an element of the given matrix of dimension 1x1
- ex(identifier:Identifier):ex
- Creates a GiNaC expression from an identifier
- export(value:ex)
- Converts an expression to a regular ContRap object
- operator[](value:ex,element:int):ex
- Provides access to a subexpression
- size(value:ex):int
- Returns the numer of operands in an expression
- symbols(expression:ex):lst
- Returns the list of symbols in the expression
- column(matrix:lmatrix_t,column:int):lvector_t
- Returns a column of the given matrix
- lmatrix_t(vector:lvector_t):lmatrix_t
- Converts the vector into the column matrix represenation
- lmatrix_t(data:List):lmatrix_t
- Creates a LAPACK matrix from a list of rows
- lmatrix_t(rows:int,columns:int):lmatrix_t
- Creates a LAPACK zero matrix with given row and column number
- operator*(A:lmatrix_t,B:lmatrix_t):lmatrix_t
- LAPACK matrix multiplication operator
- operator*(A:lmatrix_t,b:double):lmatrix_t
- Matrix multiplication operator
- operator*(a:double,B:lmatrix_t):lmatrix_t
- Matrix multiplication operator
- operator+(A:lmatrix_t,B:lmatrix_t):lmatrix_t
- LAPACK matrix addition operator
- operator-(A:lmatrix_t):lmatrix_t
- Matrix algebraic negation operator
- operator/(A:lmatrix_t,b:double):lmatrix_t
- Matrix multiplication operator
- operator[](matrix:lmatrix_t,row:int,column:int):double
- Accesses the elements of a matrix
- operator^(matrix:lmatrix_t,power:int):lmatrix_t
- Power operator for LAPACK matrices
- row(matrix:lmatrix_t,row:int):lvector_t
- Returns a row of the given matrix
- lvector_t(data:List):lvector_t
- Creates a LAPACK vector from a list of rows
- norm(vector:lvector_t):double
- Computes the Euclidean norm of a vector
- operator-(vector:lvector_t):lvector_t
- Vector algebraic negation operator-
- operator[](vector:lvector_t,element:int):double
- Accesses an element of a vector
- operator|(left:lvector_t,right:lvector_t):double
- Computes the standard Euclidean scalar product of two vectors
- column(value:matrix,column:int):matrix
- Returns a column of the given matrix
- matrix(data:List):matrix
- Creates a matrix from a list of data
- matrix(rows:int,columns:int):matrix
- Creates a matrix from its dimensions
- operator*(left:matrix,right:matrix):matrix
- Multiplies two matrices
- operator*(left:matrix,right:ex):matrix
- Multiplies a matrix with a scalar
- operator*(left:ex,right:matrix):matrix
- Multiplies a matrix with a scalar
- operator+(left:matrix,right:matrix):matrix
- Adds two matrices
- operator-(value:matrix):matrix
- Negates a matrix
- operator/(left:matrix,right:ex):matrix
- Divides a matrix by a scalar
- operator[](value:matrix,row:int):ex
- Returns an element of the given column matrix
- operator[](value:matrix,row:int,column:int):ex
- Returns an element of the given matrix
- operator^(left:matrix,power:ex):matrix
- Matrix power
- operator^(left:matrix,power:Identifier):matrix
- Matrix power with identifiers
- operator^(left:matrix,power:int):matrix
- Matrix numeric power
- row(value:matrix,row:int):matrix
- Returns a row of the given matrix
- submatrix(value:matrix,row:int,column:int,rows:int,columns:int):matrix
- Returns a sub-matrix of the given matrix starting a the given position with given dimensions
- numeric(value:ex):numeric
- Converts an expression to a numeric object
- operator>(left:numeric,right:numeric):bool
- Comparison operator
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QtPixelRef):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QRgb):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- add(vector:std::vector<QImage>,element:QImage):QImage
- Adds an entry to the vector by copying the contents
- clear(vector:std::vector<QImage>):void
- Clears the vector