Library ginac
This library is undocumented
Non-class functions
Here you will find the list of all functions, which are defined outside the scope of a class.
- Floating(number:String):ex
- Creates a GiNaC floating expression from string
- I(size:int):matrix
- Creates a diagonal square matrix
- Im(value:numeric):numeric
- Returns the imaginary part of a value
- Integer(number:String):ex
- Creates a GiNaC integer expression from string
- Re(value:numeric):ex
- Returns the real part of a value
- abs(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the absolute value of the given value
- acos(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the arcus cosinus function
- asin(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the arcus sinus function
- atan(dy:numeric,dx:numeric):numeric
- Evaluates the arcus tangens function with two argumens
- atan(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the arcus tangens function
- charpoly(value:matrix,lambda:ex):ex
- Computes the characteristic polynomial of a matrix
- coeff(value:ex,object:,degree:int):ex
- Returns the coefficient of a univariate polynomial with respect to the given variable occurring with the given degree
- collect(value:ex,identifier:Identifier):ex
- Reorders the polynomial with respect to a given variable
- content(value:ex,identifier:Identifier):ex
- Returns the content of the polynomial
- cos(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the cosinus function
- csgn(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the complex sign function
- degree(value:ex,identifier:Identifier):int
- Degree of a polynomial
- denom(value:ex):ex
- Returns the denominator of the expression
- det(value:matrix):ex
- Computes the determinant of a square matrix
- diag(data:List):matrix
- Creates a matrix with given elements in the diagonal
- diff(value:ex,object:Object):ex
- Differentiation of expressions
- double(expression:ex):double
- Implicit converters from number-valued expressions
- evalf(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates an expression as a floating number
- expand(value:ex):ex
- Expansion of expressions
- factorize(expression:ex):ex
- Performs polynomial factorization
- gcd(left:ex,right:ex):ex
- Polynomial GCD
- int(expression:ex):int
- Implicit convertors from number-valued expressions
- integral(expression:ex,variable:Identifier,min:ex,max:ex):ex
- Creates a symbolic integral
- isqrt(value:numeric):numeric
- Returns the integer square root of the expression
- lcm(left:ex,right:ex):ex
- Polynomial LCM
- lcoeff(value:ex,object:Object):ex
- Returns the leading coefficient of a polynomial with respect to a variable
- ldegree(value:ex,identifier:Identifier):int
- Returns the low degree of a polynomial with respect to a variable
- lgamma(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the logarithm of the gamma function
- lst(list:List):lst
- Converts a list into a GiNaC list
- numer(value:ex):ex
- Returns the numerator of the expression
- operator*(left:ex,right:ex):ex
- Multiplication of two expressions
- operator+(left:ex,right:ex):ex
- Addition of two expressions
- operator-(value:ex):ex
- Algebraic negation with respect to the addition
- operator/(left:ex,right:ex):ex
- Division of two expressions
- operator<=(left:numeric,right:numeric):bool
- Comparison operator
- operator<=(lvalue:ex,rvalue:ex):bool
- Order relation
- operator<(left:numeric,right:numeric):bool
- Comparison operator
- operator<(lvalue:ex,rvalue:ex):bool
- Order relation
- operator==(left:numeric,right:numeric):bool
- Comparison operator
- operator==(left:ex,right:ex):bool
- Comparison operator
- operator=(left:numeric,right:numeric):bool
- Comparison operator
- operator=(left:ex,right:ex):ex
- Comparison operator
- operator>=(left:numeric,right:numeric):bool
- Comparison operator
- operator>=(lvalue:ex,rvalue:ex):bool
- Order relation
- operator>(lvalue:ex,rvalue:ex):bool
- Order relation
- operator^(left:ex,right:ex):ex
- Power of two expressions
- polynomial(value:ex,variables:):bool
- Tests if an expression is a polynomial in a list of variables
- print(value:lst):String
- Prints a GiNaC list using the ContRap XML printer
- print(value:numeric):String
- Prints a GiNaC numeric value
- print(value:matrix):String
- Prints a GiNaC matrix
- print(value:ex):String
- Prints a GiNaC expression using the ContRap XML printer
- quotient(numerator:ex,denominator:ex,variable:ex):ex
- Polynomial division with remainder
- remainder(numerator:ex,denominator:ex,variable:ex):ex
- Polynomial division with remainder
- simplify(value:ex):ex
- Simplification of expressions
- sin(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the sinus function
- sqrt(value:ex):ex
- Returns the square root of the expression
- squarefree(value:ex,variables:):ex
- Computes the square-free part of a polynomial
- step(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the step function
- subst(equations:List,expression:ex):ex
- Substitutes a list of equations for variables into an expression
- tan(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the tangens function
- tcoeff(value:ex,object:Object):ex
- Returns the trailing coefficient of a polynomial with respect to a variable
- tcoeff(value:ex,identifier:Identifier):ex
- Trailing coefficient of a polynomial with respect to a variable
- tgamma(value:ex):ex
- Evaluates the gamma function
- tr(value:matrix):ex
- Computes the rank of a matrix
- unit(form:matrix):ex
- Creates a generator of Clifford algebra units
- unit(value:ex,identifier:Identifier):ex
- Returns the unit part of the polynomial
- vector(data:List):matrix
- Creates a one-columned matrix with given elements in the diagonal
- vector(rows:int):matrix
- Creates a vector from its dimensions
Class ex
Here you will find the class functions of 'ex' defined in the library 'ginac'.
- List(value:matrix):List
- Returns all the elements of the given column matirx in a list
- ex(value:numeric):ex
- Creates a GiNaC expression from a numeric object
- ex(value:matrix):ex
- Returns an element of the given matrix of dimension 1x1
- ex(identifier:Identifier):ex
- Creates a GiNaC expression from an identifier
- export(value:ex)
- Converts an expression to a regular ContRap object
- operator[](value:ex,element:int):ex
- Provides access to a subexpression
- size(value:ex):int
- Returns the numer of operands in an expression
- symbols(expression:ex):lst
- Returns the list of symbols in the expression
- column(value:matrix,column:int):matrix
- Returns a column of the given matrix
- matrix(data:List):matrix
- Creates a matrix from a list of data
- matrix(rows:int,columns:int):matrix
- Creates a matrix from its dimensions
- operator*(left:matrix,right:matrix):matrix
- Multiplies two matrices
- operator*(left:matrix,right:ex):matrix
- Multiplies a matrix with a scalar
- operator*(left:ex,right:matrix):matrix
- Multiplies a matrix with a scalar
- operator+(left:matrix,right:matrix):matrix
- Adds two matrices
- operator-(value:matrix):matrix
- Negates a matrix
- operator/(left:matrix,right:ex):matrix
- Divides a matrix by a scalar
- operator[](value:matrix,row:int):ex
- Returns an element of the given column matrix
- operator[](value:matrix,row:int,column:int):ex
- Returns an element of the given matrix
- operator^(left:matrix,power:ex):matrix
- Matrix power
- operator^(left:matrix,power:Identifier):matrix
- Matrix power with identifiers
- operator^(left:matrix,power:int):matrix
- Matrix numeric power
- row(value:matrix,row:int):matrix
- Returns a row of the given matrix
- submatrix(value:matrix,row:int,column:int,rows:int,columns:int):matrix
- Returns a sub-matrix of the given matrix starting a the given position with given dimensions
- numeric(value:ex):numeric
- Converts an expression to a numeric object
- operator>(left:numeric,right:numeric):bool
- Comparison operator
Class numeric
Here you will find the class functions of 'numeric' defined in the library 'ginac'.
- List(value:matrix):List
- Returns all the elements of the given column matirx in a list
- ex(value:numeric):ex
- Creates a GiNaC expression from a numeric object
- ex(value:matrix):ex
- Returns an element of the given matrix of dimension 1x1
- ex(identifier:Identifier):ex
- Creates a GiNaC expression from an identifier
- export(value:ex)
- Converts an expression to a regular ContRap object
- operator[](value:ex,element:int):ex
- Provides access to a subexpression
- size(value:ex):int
- Returns the numer of operands in an expression
- symbols(expression:ex):lst
- Returns the list of symbols in the expression
- column(value:matrix,column:int):matrix
- Returns a column of the given matrix
- matrix(data:List):matrix
- Creates a matrix from a list of data
- matrix(rows:int,columns:int):matrix
- Creates a matrix from its dimensions
- operator*(left:matrix,right:matrix):matrix
- Multiplies two matrices
- operator*(left:matrix,right:ex):matrix
- Multiplies a matrix with a scalar
- operator*(left:ex,right:matrix):matrix
- Multiplies a matrix with a scalar
- operator+(left:matrix,right:matrix):matrix
- Adds two matrices
- operator-(value:matrix):matrix
- Negates a matrix
- operator/(left:matrix,right:ex):matrix
- Divides a matrix by a scalar
- operator[](value:matrix,row:int):ex
- Returns an element of the given column matrix
- operator[](value:matrix,row:int,column:int):ex
- Returns an element of the given matrix
- operator^(left:matrix,power:ex):matrix
- Matrix power
- operator^(left:matrix,power:Identifier):matrix
- Matrix power with identifiers
- operator^(left:matrix,power:int):matrix
- Matrix numeric power
- row(value:matrix,row:int):matrix
- Returns a row of the given matrix
- submatrix(value:matrix,row:int,column:int,rows:int,columns:int):matrix
- Returns a sub-matrix of the given matrix starting a the given position with given dimensions
- numeric(value:ex):numeric
- Converts an expression to a numeric object
- operator>(left:numeric,right:numeric):bool
- Comparison operator
Class matrix
Here you will find the class functions of 'matrix' defined in the library 'ginac'.
- List(value:matrix):List
- Returns all the elements of the given column matirx in a list
- ex(value:numeric):ex
- Creates a GiNaC expression from a numeric object
- ex(value:matrix):ex
- Returns an element of the given matrix of dimension 1x1
- ex(identifier:Identifier):ex
- Creates a GiNaC expression from an identifier
- export(value:ex)
- Converts an expression to a regular ContRap object
- operator[](value:ex,element:int):ex
- Provides access to a subexpression
- size(value:ex):int
- Returns the numer of operands in an expression
- symbols(expression:ex):lst
- Returns the list of symbols in the expression
- column(value:matrix,column:int):matrix
- Returns a column of the given matrix
- matrix(data:List):matrix
- Creates a matrix from a list of data
- matrix(rows:int,columns:int):matrix
- Creates a matrix from its dimensions
- operator*(left:matrix,right:matrix):matrix
- Multiplies two matrices
- operator*(left:matrix,right:ex):matrix
- Multiplies a matrix with a scalar
- operator*(left:ex,right:matrix):matrix
- Multiplies a matrix with a scalar
- operator+(left:matrix,right:matrix):matrix
- Adds two matrices
- operator-(value:matrix):matrix
- Negates a matrix
- operator/(left:matrix,right:ex):matrix
- Divides a matrix by a scalar
- operator[](value:matrix,row:int):ex
- Returns an element of the given column matrix
- operator[](value:matrix,row:int,column:int):ex
- Returns an element of the given matrix
- operator^(left:matrix,power:ex):matrix
- Matrix power
- operator^(left:matrix,power:Identifier):matrix
- Matrix power with identifiers
- operator^(left:matrix,power:int):matrix
- Matrix numeric power
- row(value:matrix,row:int):matrix
- Returns a row of the given matrix
- submatrix(value:matrix,row:int,column:int,rows:int,columns:int):matrix
- Returns a sub-matrix of the given matrix starting a the given position with given dimensions
- numeric(value:ex):numeric
- Converts an expression to a numeric object
- operator>(left:numeric,right:numeric):bool
- Comparison operator
Class List
Here you will find the class functions of 'List' defined in the library 'ginac'.
- List(value:matrix):List
- Returns all the elements of the given column matirx in a list
- ex(value:numeric):ex
- Creates a GiNaC expression from a numeric object
- ex(value:matrix):ex
- Returns an element of the given matrix of dimension 1x1
- ex(identifier:Identifier):ex
- Creates a GiNaC expression from an identifier
- export(value:ex)
- Converts an expression to a regular ContRap object
- operator[](value:ex,element:int):ex
- Provides access to a subexpression
- size(value:ex):int
- Returns the numer of operands in an expression
- symbols(expression:ex):lst
- Returns the list of symbols in the expression
- column(value:matrix,column:int):matrix
- Returns a column of the given matrix
- matrix(data:List):matrix
- Creates a matrix from a list of data
- matrix(rows:int,columns:int):matrix
- Creates a matrix from its dimensions
- operator*(left:matrix,right:matrix):matrix
- Multiplies two matrices
- operator*(left:matrix,right:ex):matrix
- Multiplies a matrix with a scalar
- operator*(left:ex,right:matrix):matrix
- Multiplies a matrix with a scalar
- operator+(left:matrix,right:matrix):matrix
- Adds two matrices
- operator-(value:matrix):matrix
- Negates a matrix
- operator/(left:matrix,right:ex):matrix
- Divides a matrix by a scalar
- operator[](value:matrix,row:int):ex
- Returns an element of the given column matrix
- operator[](value:matrix,row:int,column:int):ex
- Returns an element of the given matrix
- operator^(left:matrix,power:ex):matrix
- Matrix power
- operator^(left:matrix,power:Identifier):matrix
- Matrix power with identifiers
- operator^(left:matrix,power:int):matrix
- Matrix numeric power
- row(value:matrix,row:int):matrix
- Returns a row of the given matrix
- submatrix(value:matrix,row:int,column:int,rows:int,columns:int):matrix
- Returns a sub-matrix of the given matrix starting a the given position with given dimensions
- numeric(value:ex):numeric
- Converts an expression to a numeric object
- operator>(left:numeric,right:numeric):bool
- Comparison operator