Library numeric
This library is undocumented
Non-class functions
Here you will find the list of all functions, which are defined outside the scope of a class.
- Complex(value:Identifier):complex
- Creates a complex number from an arbitrary object
- Complex(value:double):complex
- Creates an complex number from a double
- Complex(real:double,imaginary:double):complex
- Creates an complex number from two floating point numbers
- Floating(number:String):ex
- Creates a GiNaC floating expression from string
- Im(value:complex):double
- Returns the real part of a complex number
- Integer(number:String):ex
- Creates a GiNaC integer expression from string
- Integer(value:double):int
- Creates an integer from a double
- Re(value:complex):double
- Returns the real part of a complex number
- abs(value:complex):complex
- Computes the absolute value of the argument
- abs(value:double):double
- Computes the absolute value of the argument
- abs(value:int):int
- Computes the absolute value of the argument
- and(left:bool,right:bool):bool
- Logical and operator
- arccos(x:double):double
- Computes the arcus cosinus of a given floating point value
- arcsin(x:double):double
- Computes the arcus sinus of a given floating point value
- arctan(x:double):double
- Computes the arcus tangens of a given floating point value
- bool(value:double):bool
- Converts a boolean value to an floating value
- bool(value:int):bool
- Converts a boolean value to an integer value
- ceil(value:double):double
- Computes the smallest integer bigger than the input value
- complex(value:int):complex
- Creates an complex number from an integer
- cos(x:double):double
- Computes the cosinus of a given floating point value
- double(value:int):double
- Creates a double from an integer
- floor(value:double):double
- Computes the biggest integer smaller than the input value
- int(value:double):int
- Cast from a floating value to an int value
- ln(x:double):double
- Computes the natural logarithm of a given floating point value
- log(x:double):double
- Computes the common logarithm of a given floating point value
- max(left:double,right:double):double
- Computes the maximum of two floating point numbers
- maxrnd():int
- Returns the maximum number which can be obtained by calling the random function
- min(left:double,right:double):double
- Computes the minimum of two floating point numbers
- mod(lvalue:int,rvalue:int):int
- Division rest operator
- not(value:bool):bool
- Logical not operator
- operator*(left:complex,right:complex):complex
- Multiplies two complex numbers
- operator*(left:double,right:double):double
- Multiplies two floating numbers
- operator*(left:int,right:int):int
- Multiplies two integers
- operator+(left:complex,right:complex):complex
- Adds two complex numbers
- operator+(left:double,right:double):double
- Adds two floating numbers
- operator+(left:int,right:int):int
- Adds two integers
- operator-(value:complex):complex
- Negates a complex number
- operator-(value:double):double
- Inverts a floating number
- operator-(value:int):int
- Inverts an integer with resect to the addition
- operator/(left:complex,right:complex):complex
- Divides two complex numbers
- operator/(left:double,right:double):double
- Divides two floating numbers
- operator/(left:int,right:int):int
- Divides two integers
- operator<=(left:double,right:double):bool
- Computes the order relation
- operator<(left:double,right:double):bool
- Computes the order relation
- operator=(left:double,right:double):bool
- Computes the relation
- operator=(left:int,right:int):bool
- Computes the equality relation
- operator>=(left:double,right:double):bool
- Computes the order relation
- operator>(left:double,right:double):bool
- Computes the order relation
- operator^(value:complex,power:complex):complex
- Powers a complex number
- operator^(value:double,power:double):double
- Powers a floating to a floating power
- operator^(value:int,power:int):int
- Powers an integer to an integer power
- or(left:bool,right:bool):bool
- Logical or operator
- print(value:bool):String
- Prints a boolean value
- print(value:double):String
- Prints a floating number
- print(value:int):String
- Prints an integer
- random():int
- Returns a positive integer random number
- random(left:double,right:double):double
- Returns a uniformly distributed floating point random number within the given range
- round(value:double):double
- Rounds a floating value to an integer
- sin(x:double):double
- Computes the sinus of a given floating point value
- sqrt(x:double):double
- Computes the square root of a given floating point value
- subst(equations:List,expression:)
- Substitutes a list of equations for variables into an expression
- tan(x:double):double
- Computes the tangens of a given floating point value
- xor(left:int,right:int):int
- Computes the bitwise XOR operator