This library is undocumented
Here you will find the list of all functions, which are defined outside the scope of a class.
- QRgb(data:List):QRgb
- Converts a list of integers to an RGB value
- QRgb(r:int,g:int,b:int):QRgb
- Converts integer values to an RGB value
- blue(pixel:QtPixelRef):int
- Gives access to the blue component of a pixel reference
- gray(pixel:QtPixelRef):int
- Converts a pixel reference to a grayvalue
- green(pixel:QtPixelRef):int
- Gives access to the green component of a pixel reference
- operator[](image:QImage,x:int,y:int):QtPixelRef
- Returns a pixel reference to a pixel in the image
- operator[](vector:std::vector<QImage>,index:int):QImage
- Referencing element access to the vector elements
- qtLoadPGMV(filename:String):std::vector<QImage>
- Loads a gray value video from a file in the PGMV format
- qtTeX(message:String):QImage
- Prints a latex message and returns an image of the printed code
- red(pixel:QtPixelRef):int
- Gives access to the red component of a pixel reference
- render(widget:QWidget):QImage
- Renders a QWidget and returns the resulting picture
Here you will find the class functions of 'QString' defined in the library 'qttools'.
- QColor(color:String):QColor
- Creates a QColor instance from a string with the color name
- QColor(r:int,g:int,b:int):QColor
- Converts integer values to a QColor instance
- QImage(filename:String):QImage
- Loads an image from the disk
- QImage(width:int,height:int):QImage
- Creates a new QImage class instance
- drawLine(image:QImage,start:QPoint,end:QPoint,color:QColor):void
- Draws a line segment into a QImage
- get(image:QImage,x:int,y:int):QRgb
- Returns an image pixel
- height(image:QImage):int
- Returns the height of an image
- save(image:QImage,file_name:String):void
- Saves the image to the disk
- scale(image:QImage,width:int,height:int):QImage
- Scales a QImage to the given size
- set(image:QImage,x:int,y:int,color:QRgb):void
- Sets an image pixel
- show(image:QImage):void
- Shows an QImage in a widget
- width(image:QImage):int
- Returns the width of an image
- QPointF(list:List):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from a list
- QPointF(x:double,y:double):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from two floats
- x(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QPoint(x:int,y:int):QPoint
- Creates a QPoint instance from two integers
- x(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QRectF():QRectF
- Creates an empty QRectF instance
- QRectF(list:List):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four floating point numbers
- QRectF(x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four doubles
- height(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRectF instance from floats
- width(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QRect():QRect
- Creates an empty QRect instance
- QRect(x:int,y:int,width:int,height:int):QRect
- Creates a QRect instance from integers
- height(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRect instance from floats
- width(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QSizeF(width:double,height:double):QSizeF
- Creates a new floating point size from width and height
- QSize(width:int,height:int):QSize
- Creates a new size from width and height
- QString(value:String):QString
- Creates a QString from a string
- attach(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes the status of the widget
- fullscreen(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Sets the widgets full screen mode
- resize(widget:QWidget,width:int,height:int):void
- Changes the size of a widget
- show(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes a visibility status of a widget
- QtTimer(command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer without starting it
- QtTimer(time:int,command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer and starts it with the given timeout period
- start(timer:QtTimer,time:int):void
- Starts a timer which executes a command on timeout
- stop(timer:QtTimer):void
- Stops the timer
- String(value:QString):String
- Creates a String from a QString
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QtPixelRef):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QRgb):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- add(vector:std::vector<QImage>,element:QImage):QImage
- Adds an entry to the vector by copying the contents
- clear(vector:std::vector<QImage>):void
- Clears the vector
Here you will find the class functions of 'String' defined in the library 'qttools'.
- QColor(color:String):QColor
- Creates a QColor instance from a string with the color name
- QColor(r:int,g:int,b:int):QColor
- Converts integer values to a QColor instance
- QImage(filename:String):QImage
- Loads an image from the disk
- QImage(width:int,height:int):QImage
- Creates a new QImage class instance
- drawLine(image:QImage,start:QPoint,end:QPoint,color:QColor):void
- Draws a line segment into a QImage
- get(image:QImage,x:int,y:int):QRgb
- Returns an image pixel
- height(image:QImage):int
- Returns the height of an image
- save(image:QImage,file_name:String):void
- Saves the image to the disk
- scale(image:QImage,width:int,height:int):QImage
- Scales a QImage to the given size
- set(image:QImage,x:int,y:int,color:QRgb):void
- Sets an image pixel
- show(image:QImage):void
- Shows an QImage in a widget
- width(image:QImage):int
- Returns the width of an image
- QPointF(list:List):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from a list
- QPointF(x:double,y:double):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from two floats
- x(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QPoint(x:int,y:int):QPoint
- Creates a QPoint instance from two integers
- x(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QRectF():QRectF
- Creates an empty QRectF instance
- QRectF(list:List):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four floating point numbers
- QRectF(x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four doubles
- height(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRectF instance from floats
- width(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QRect():QRect
- Creates an empty QRect instance
- QRect(x:int,y:int,width:int,height:int):QRect
- Creates a QRect instance from integers
- height(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRect instance from floats
- width(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QSizeF(width:double,height:double):QSizeF
- Creates a new floating point size from width and height
- QSize(width:int,height:int):QSize
- Creates a new size from width and height
- QString(value:String):QString
- Creates a QString from a string
- attach(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes the status of the widget
- fullscreen(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Sets the widgets full screen mode
- resize(widget:QWidget,width:int,height:int):void
- Changes the size of a widget
- show(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes a visibility status of a widget
- QtTimer(command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer without starting it
- QtTimer(time:int,command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer and starts it with the given timeout period
- start(timer:QtTimer,time:int):void
- Starts a timer which executes a command on timeout
- stop(timer:QtTimer):void
- Stops the timer
- String(value:QString):String
- Creates a String from a QString
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QtPixelRef):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QRgb):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- add(vector:std::vector<QImage>,element:QImage):QImage
- Adds an entry to the vector by copying the contents
- clear(vector:std::vector<QImage>):void
- Clears the vector
Here you will find the class functions of 'QWidget' defined in the library 'qttools'.
- QColor(color:String):QColor
- Creates a QColor instance from a string with the color name
- QColor(r:int,g:int,b:int):QColor
- Converts integer values to a QColor instance
- QImage(filename:String):QImage
- Loads an image from the disk
- QImage(width:int,height:int):QImage
- Creates a new QImage class instance
- drawLine(image:QImage,start:QPoint,end:QPoint,color:QColor):void
- Draws a line segment into a QImage
- get(image:QImage,x:int,y:int):QRgb
- Returns an image pixel
- height(image:QImage):int
- Returns the height of an image
- save(image:QImage,file_name:String):void
- Saves the image to the disk
- scale(image:QImage,width:int,height:int):QImage
- Scales a QImage to the given size
- set(image:QImage,x:int,y:int,color:QRgb):void
- Sets an image pixel
- show(image:QImage):void
- Shows an QImage in a widget
- width(image:QImage):int
- Returns the width of an image
- QPointF(list:List):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from a list
- QPointF(x:double,y:double):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from two floats
- x(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QPoint(x:int,y:int):QPoint
- Creates a QPoint instance from two integers
- x(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QRectF():QRectF
- Creates an empty QRectF instance
- QRectF(list:List):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four floating point numbers
- QRectF(x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four doubles
- height(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRectF instance from floats
- width(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QRect():QRect
- Creates an empty QRect instance
- QRect(x:int,y:int,width:int,height:int):QRect
- Creates a QRect instance from integers
- height(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRect instance from floats
- width(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QSizeF(width:double,height:double):QSizeF
- Creates a new floating point size from width and height
- QSize(width:int,height:int):QSize
- Creates a new size from width and height
- QString(value:String):QString
- Creates a QString from a string
- attach(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes the status of the widget
- fullscreen(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Sets the widgets full screen mode
- resize(widget:QWidget,width:int,height:int):void
- Changes the size of a widget
- show(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes a visibility status of a widget
- QtTimer(command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer without starting it
- QtTimer(time:int,command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer and starts it with the given timeout period
- start(timer:QtTimer,time:int):void
- Starts a timer which executes a command on timeout
- stop(timer:QtTimer):void
- Stops the timer
- String(value:QString):String
- Creates a String from a QString
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QtPixelRef):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QRgb):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- add(vector:std::vector<QImage>,element:QImage):QImage
- Adds an entry to the vector by copying the contents
- clear(vector:std::vector<QImage>):void
- Clears the vector
Here you will find the class functions of 'QSize' defined in the library 'qttools'.
- QColor(color:String):QColor
- Creates a QColor instance from a string with the color name
- QColor(r:int,g:int,b:int):QColor
- Converts integer values to a QColor instance
- QImage(filename:String):QImage
- Loads an image from the disk
- QImage(width:int,height:int):QImage
- Creates a new QImage class instance
- drawLine(image:QImage,start:QPoint,end:QPoint,color:QColor):void
- Draws a line segment into a QImage
- get(image:QImage,x:int,y:int):QRgb
- Returns an image pixel
- height(image:QImage):int
- Returns the height of an image
- save(image:QImage,file_name:String):void
- Saves the image to the disk
- scale(image:QImage,width:int,height:int):QImage
- Scales a QImage to the given size
- set(image:QImage,x:int,y:int,color:QRgb):void
- Sets an image pixel
- show(image:QImage):void
- Shows an QImage in a widget
- width(image:QImage):int
- Returns the width of an image
- QPointF(list:List):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from a list
- QPointF(x:double,y:double):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from two floats
- x(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QPoint(x:int,y:int):QPoint
- Creates a QPoint instance from two integers
- x(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QRectF():QRectF
- Creates an empty QRectF instance
- QRectF(list:List):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four floating point numbers
- QRectF(x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four doubles
- height(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRectF instance from floats
- width(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QRect():QRect
- Creates an empty QRect instance
- QRect(x:int,y:int,width:int,height:int):QRect
- Creates a QRect instance from integers
- height(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRect instance from floats
- width(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QSizeF(width:double,height:double):QSizeF
- Creates a new floating point size from width and height
- QSize(width:int,height:int):QSize
- Creates a new size from width and height
- QString(value:String):QString
- Creates a QString from a string
- attach(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes the status of the widget
- fullscreen(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Sets the widgets full screen mode
- resize(widget:QWidget,width:int,height:int):void
- Changes the size of a widget
- show(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes a visibility status of a widget
- QtTimer(command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer without starting it
- QtTimer(time:int,command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer and starts it with the given timeout period
- start(timer:QtTimer,time:int):void
- Starts a timer which executes a command on timeout
- stop(timer:QtTimer):void
- Stops the timer
- String(value:QString):String
- Creates a String from a QString
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QtPixelRef):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QRgb):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- add(vector:std::vector<QImage>,element:QImage):QImage
- Adds an entry to the vector by copying the contents
- clear(vector:std::vector<QImage>):void
- Clears the vector
Here you will find the class functions of 'QSizeF' defined in the library 'qttools'.
- QColor(color:String):QColor
- Creates a QColor instance from a string with the color name
- QColor(r:int,g:int,b:int):QColor
- Converts integer values to a QColor instance
- QImage(filename:String):QImage
- Loads an image from the disk
- QImage(width:int,height:int):QImage
- Creates a new QImage class instance
- drawLine(image:QImage,start:QPoint,end:QPoint,color:QColor):void
- Draws a line segment into a QImage
- get(image:QImage,x:int,y:int):QRgb
- Returns an image pixel
- height(image:QImage):int
- Returns the height of an image
- save(image:QImage,file_name:String):void
- Saves the image to the disk
- scale(image:QImage,width:int,height:int):QImage
- Scales a QImage to the given size
- set(image:QImage,x:int,y:int,color:QRgb):void
- Sets an image pixel
- show(image:QImage):void
- Shows an QImage in a widget
- width(image:QImage):int
- Returns the width of an image
- QPointF(list:List):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from a list
- QPointF(x:double,y:double):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from two floats
- x(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QPoint(x:int,y:int):QPoint
- Creates a QPoint instance from two integers
- x(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QRectF():QRectF
- Creates an empty QRectF instance
- QRectF(list:List):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four floating point numbers
- QRectF(x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four doubles
- height(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRectF instance from floats
- width(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QRect():QRect
- Creates an empty QRect instance
- QRect(x:int,y:int,width:int,height:int):QRect
- Creates a QRect instance from integers
- height(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRect instance from floats
- width(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QSizeF(width:double,height:double):QSizeF
- Creates a new floating point size from width and height
- QSize(width:int,height:int):QSize
- Creates a new size from width and height
- QString(value:String):QString
- Creates a QString from a string
- attach(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes the status of the widget
- fullscreen(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Sets the widgets full screen mode
- resize(widget:QWidget,width:int,height:int):void
- Changes the size of a widget
- show(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes a visibility status of a widget
- QtTimer(command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer without starting it
- QtTimer(time:int,command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer and starts it with the given timeout period
- start(timer:QtTimer,time:int):void
- Starts a timer which executes a command on timeout
- stop(timer:QtTimer):void
- Stops the timer
- String(value:QString):String
- Creates a String from a QString
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QtPixelRef):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QRgb):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- add(vector:std::vector<QImage>,element:QImage):QImage
- Adds an entry to the vector by copying the contents
- clear(vector:std::vector<QImage>):void
- Clears the vector
Here you will find the class functions of 'QColor' defined in the library 'qttools'.
- QColor(color:String):QColor
- Creates a QColor instance from a string with the color name
- QColor(r:int,g:int,b:int):QColor
- Converts integer values to a QColor instance
- QImage(filename:String):QImage
- Loads an image from the disk
- QImage(width:int,height:int):QImage
- Creates a new QImage class instance
- drawLine(image:QImage,start:QPoint,end:QPoint,color:QColor):void
- Draws a line segment into a QImage
- get(image:QImage,x:int,y:int):QRgb
- Returns an image pixel
- height(image:QImage):int
- Returns the height of an image
- save(image:QImage,file_name:String):void
- Saves the image to the disk
- scale(image:QImage,width:int,height:int):QImage
- Scales a QImage to the given size
- set(image:QImage,x:int,y:int,color:QRgb):void
- Sets an image pixel
- show(image:QImage):void
- Shows an QImage in a widget
- width(image:QImage):int
- Returns the width of an image
- QPointF(list:List):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from a list
- QPointF(x:double,y:double):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from two floats
- x(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QPoint(x:int,y:int):QPoint
- Creates a QPoint instance from two integers
- x(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QRectF():QRectF
- Creates an empty QRectF instance
- QRectF(list:List):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four floating point numbers
- QRectF(x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four doubles
- height(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRectF instance from floats
- width(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QRect():QRect
- Creates an empty QRect instance
- QRect(x:int,y:int,width:int,height:int):QRect
- Creates a QRect instance from integers
- height(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRect instance from floats
- width(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QSizeF(width:double,height:double):QSizeF
- Creates a new floating point size from width and height
- QSize(width:int,height:int):QSize
- Creates a new size from width and height
- QString(value:String):QString
- Creates a QString from a string
- attach(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes the status of the widget
- fullscreen(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Sets the widgets full screen mode
- resize(widget:QWidget,width:int,height:int):void
- Changes the size of a widget
- show(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes a visibility status of a widget
- QtTimer(command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer without starting it
- QtTimer(time:int,command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer and starts it with the given timeout period
- start(timer:QtTimer,time:int):void
- Starts a timer which executes a command on timeout
- stop(timer:QtTimer):void
- Stops the timer
- String(value:QString):String
- Creates a String from a QString
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QtPixelRef):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QRgb):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- add(vector:std::vector<QImage>,element:QImage):QImage
- Adds an entry to the vector by copying the contents
- clear(vector:std::vector<QImage>):void
- Clears the vector
Here you will find the class functions of 'QImage' defined in the library 'qttools'.
- QColor(color:String):QColor
- Creates a QColor instance from a string with the color name
- QColor(r:int,g:int,b:int):QColor
- Converts integer values to a QColor instance
- QImage(filename:String):QImage
- Loads an image from the disk
- QImage(width:int,height:int):QImage
- Creates a new QImage class instance
- drawLine(image:QImage,start:QPoint,end:QPoint,color:QColor):void
- Draws a line segment into a QImage
- get(image:QImage,x:int,y:int):QRgb
- Returns an image pixel
- height(image:QImage):int
- Returns the height of an image
- save(image:QImage,file_name:String):void
- Saves the image to the disk
- scale(image:QImage,width:int,height:int):QImage
- Scales a QImage to the given size
- set(image:QImage,x:int,y:int,color:QRgb):void
- Sets an image pixel
- show(image:QImage):void
- Shows an QImage in a widget
- width(image:QImage):int
- Returns the width of an image
- QPointF(list:List):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from a list
- QPointF(x:double,y:double):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from two floats
- x(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QPoint(x:int,y:int):QPoint
- Creates a QPoint instance from two integers
- x(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QRectF():QRectF
- Creates an empty QRectF instance
- QRectF(list:List):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four floating point numbers
- QRectF(x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four doubles
- height(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRectF instance from floats
- width(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QRect():QRect
- Creates an empty QRect instance
- QRect(x:int,y:int,width:int,height:int):QRect
- Creates a QRect instance from integers
- height(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRect instance from floats
- width(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QSizeF(width:double,height:double):QSizeF
- Creates a new floating point size from width and height
- QSize(width:int,height:int):QSize
- Creates a new size from width and height
- QString(value:String):QString
- Creates a QString from a string
- attach(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes the status of the widget
- fullscreen(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Sets the widgets full screen mode
- resize(widget:QWidget,width:int,height:int):void
- Changes the size of a widget
- show(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes a visibility status of a widget
- QtTimer(command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer without starting it
- QtTimer(time:int,command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer and starts it with the given timeout period
- start(timer:QtTimer,time:int):void
- Starts a timer which executes a command on timeout
- stop(timer:QtTimer):void
- Stops the timer
- String(value:QString):String
- Creates a String from a QString
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QtPixelRef):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QRgb):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- add(vector:std::vector<QImage>,element:QImage):QImage
- Adds an entry to the vector by copying the contents
- clear(vector:std::vector<QImage>):void
- Clears the vector
Here you will find the class functions of 'operator' defined in the library 'qttools'.
- QColor(color:String):QColor
- Creates a QColor instance from a string with the color name
- QColor(r:int,g:int,b:int):QColor
- Converts integer values to a QColor instance
- QImage(filename:String):QImage
- Loads an image from the disk
- QImage(width:int,height:int):QImage
- Creates a new QImage class instance
- drawLine(image:QImage,start:QPoint,end:QPoint,color:QColor):void
- Draws a line segment into a QImage
- get(image:QImage,x:int,y:int):QRgb
- Returns an image pixel
- height(image:QImage):int
- Returns the height of an image
- save(image:QImage,file_name:String):void
- Saves the image to the disk
- scale(image:QImage,width:int,height:int):QImage
- Scales a QImage to the given size
- set(image:QImage,x:int,y:int,color:QRgb):void
- Sets an image pixel
- show(image:QImage):void
- Shows an QImage in a widget
- width(image:QImage):int
- Returns the width of an image
- QPointF(list:List):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from a list
- QPointF(x:double,y:double):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from two floats
- x(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QPoint(x:int,y:int):QPoint
- Creates a QPoint instance from two integers
- x(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QRectF():QRectF
- Creates an empty QRectF instance
- QRectF(list:List):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four floating point numbers
- QRectF(x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four doubles
- height(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRectF instance from floats
- width(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QRect():QRect
- Creates an empty QRect instance
- QRect(x:int,y:int,width:int,height:int):QRect
- Creates a QRect instance from integers
- height(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRect instance from floats
- width(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QSizeF(width:double,height:double):QSizeF
- Creates a new floating point size from width and height
- QSize(width:int,height:int):QSize
- Creates a new size from width and height
- QString(value:String):QString
- Creates a QString from a string
- attach(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes the status of the widget
- fullscreen(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Sets the widgets full screen mode
- resize(widget:QWidget,width:int,height:int):void
- Changes the size of a widget
- show(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes a visibility status of a widget
- QtTimer(command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer without starting it
- QtTimer(time:int,command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer and starts it with the given timeout period
- start(timer:QtTimer,time:int):void
- Starts a timer which executes a command on timeout
- stop(timer:QtTimer):void
- Stops the timer
- String(value:QString):String
- Creates a String from a QString
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QtPixelRef):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QRgb):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- add(vector:std::vector<QImage>,element:QImage):QImage
- Adds an entry to the vector by copying the contents
- clear(vector:std::vector<QImage>):void
- Clears the vector
Here you will find the class functions of 'QPointF' defined in the library 'qttools'.
- QColor(color:String):QColor
- Creates a QColor instance from a string with the color name
- QColor(r:int,g:int,b:int):QColor
- Converts integer values to a QColor instance
- QImage(filename:String):QImage
- Loads an image from the disk
- QImage(width:int,height:int):QImage
- Creates a new QImage class instance
- drawLine(image:QImage,start:QPoint,end:QPoint,color:QColor):void
- Draws a line segment into a QImage
- get(image:QImage,x:int,y:int):QRgb
- Returns an image pixel
- height(image:QImage):int
- Returns the height of an image
- save(image:QImage,file_name:String):void
- Saves the image to the disk
- scale(image:QImage,width:int,height:int):QImage
- Scales a QImage to the given size
- set(image:QImage,x:int,y:int,color:QRgb):void
- Sets an image pixel
- show(image:QImage):void
- Shows an QImage in a widget
- width(image:QImage):int
- Returns the width of an image
- QPointF(list:List):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from a list
- QPointF(x:double,y:double):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from two floats
- x(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QPoint(x:int,y:int):QPoint
- Creates a QPoint instance from two integers
- x(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QRectF():QRectF
- Creates an empty QRectF instance
- QRectF(list:List):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four floating point numbers
- QRectF(x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four doubles
- height(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRectF instance from floats
- width(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QRect():QRect
- Creates an empty QRect instance
- QRect(x:int,y:int,width:int,height:int):QRect
- Creates a QRect instance from integers
- height(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRect instance from floats
- width(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QSizeF(width:double,height:double):QSizeF
- Creates a new floating point size from width and height
- QSize(width:int,height:int):QSize
- Creates a new size from width and height
- QString(value:String):QString
- Creates a QString from a string
- attach(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes the status of the widget
- fullscreen(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Sets the widgets full screen mode
- resize(widget:QWidget,width:int,height:int):void
- Changes the size of a widget
- show(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes a visibility status of a widget
- QtTimer(command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer without starting it
- QtTimer(time:int,command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer and starts it with the given timeout period
- start(timer:QtTimer,time:int):void
- Starts a timer which executes a command on timeout
- stop(timer:QtTimer):void
- Stops the timer
- String(value:QString):String
- Creates a String from a QString
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QtPixelRef):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QRgb):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- add(vector:std::vector<QImage>,element:QImage):QImage
- Adds an entry to the vector by copying the contents
- clear(vector:std::vector<QImage>):void
- Clears the vector
Here you will find the class functions of 'QPoint' defined in the library 'qttools'.
- QColor(color:String):QColor
- Creates a QColor instance from a string with the color name
- QColor(r:int,g:int,b:int):QColor
- Converts integer values to a QColor instance
- QImage(filename:String):QImage
- Loads an image from the disk
- QImage(width:int,height:int):QImage
- Creates a new QImage class instance
- drawLine(image:QImage,start:QPoint,end:QPoint,color:QColor):void
- Draws a line segment into a QImage
- get(image:QImage,x:int,y:int):QRgb
- Returns an image pixel
- height(image:QImage):int
- Returns the height of an image
- save(image:QImage,file_name:String):void
- Saves the image to the disk
- scale(image:QImage,width:int,height:int):QImage
- Scales a QImage to the given size
- set(image:QImage,x:int,y:int,color:QRgb):void
- Sets an image pixel
- show(image:QImage):void
- Shows an QImage in a widget
- width(image:QImage):int
- Returns the width of an image
- QPointF(list:List):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from a list
- QPointF(x:double,y:double):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from two floats
- x(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QPoint(x:int,y:int):QPoint
- Creates a QPoint instance from two integers
- x(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QRectF():QRectF
- Creates an empty QRectF instance
- QRectF(list:List):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four floating point numbers
- QRectF(x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four doubles
- height(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRectF instance from floats
- width(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QRect():QRect
- Creates an empty QRect instance
- QRect(x:int,y:int,width:int,height:int):QRect
- Creates a QRect instance from integers
- height(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRect instance from floats
- width(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QSizeF(width:double,height:double):QSizeF
- Creates a new floating point size from width and height
- QSize(width:int,height:int):QSize
- Creates a new size from width and height
- QString(value:String):QString
- Creates a QString from a string
- attach(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes the status of the widget
- fullscreen(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Sets the widgets full screen mode
- resize(widget:QWidget,width:int,height:int):void
- Changes the size of a widget
- show(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes a visibility status of a widget
- QtTimer(command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer without starting it
- QtTimer(time:int,command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer and starts it with the given timeout period
- start(timer:QtTimer,time:int):void
- Starts a timer which executes a command on timeout
- stop(timer:QtTimer):void
- Stops the timer
- String(value:QString):String
- Creates a String from a QString
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QtPixelRef):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QRgb):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- add(vector:std::vector<QImage>,element:QImage):QImage
- Adds an entry to the vector by copying the contents
- clear(vector:std::vector<QImage>):void
- Clears the vector
Here you will find the class functions of 'QtTimer' defined in the library 'qttools'.
- QColor(color:String):QColor
- Creates a QColor instance from a string with the color name
- QColor(r:int,g:int,b:int):QColor
- Converts integer values to a QColor instance
- QImage(filename:String):QImage
- Loads an image from the disk
- QImage(width:int,height:int):QImage
- Creates a new QImage class instance
- drawLine(image:QImage,start:QPoint,end:QPoint,color:QColor):void
- Draws a line segment into a QImage
- get(image:QImage,x:int,y:int):QRgb
- Returns an image pixel
- height(image:QImage):int
- Returns the height of an image
- save(image:QImage,file_name:String):void
- Saves the image to the disk
- scale(image:QImage,width:int,height:int):QImage
- Scales a QImage to the given size
- set(image:QImage,x:int,y:int,color:QRgb):void
- Sets an image pixel
- show(image:QImage):void
- Shows an QImage in a widget
- width(image:QImage):int
- Returns the width of an image
- QPointF(list:List):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from a list
- QPointF(x:double,y:double):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from two floats
- x(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QPoint(x:int,y:int):QPoint
- Creates a QPoint instance from two integers
- x(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QRectF():QRectF
- Creates an empty QRectF instance
- QRectF(list:List):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four floating point numbers
- QRectF(x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four doubles
- height(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRectF instance from floats
- width(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QRect():QRect
- Creates an empty QRect instance
- QRect(x:int,y:int,width:int,height:int):QRect
- Creates a QRect instance from integers
- height(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRect instance from floats
- width(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QSizeF(width:double,height:double):QSizeF
- Creates a new floating point size from width and height
- QSize(width:int,height:int):QSize
- Creates a new size from width and height
- QString(value:String):QString
- Creates a QString from a string
- attach(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes the status of the widget
- fullscreen(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Sets the widgets full screen mode
- resize(widget:QWidget,width:int,height:int):void
- Changes the size of a widget
- show(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes a visibility status of a widget
- QtTimer(command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer without starting it
- QtTimer(time:int,command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer and starts it with the given timeout period
- start(timer:QtTimer,time:int):void
- Starts a timer which executes a command on timeout
- stop(timer:QtTimer):void
- Stops the timer
- String(value:QString):String
- Creates a String from a QString
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QtPixelRef):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QRgb):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- add(vector:std::vector<QImage>,element:QImage):QImage
- Adds an entry to the vector by copying the contents
- clear(vector:std::vector<QImage>):void
- Clears the vector
Here you will find the class functions of 'std::vector
- QColor(color:String):QColor
- Creates a QColor instance from a string with the color name
- QColor(r:int,g:int,b:int):QColor
- Converts integer values to a QColor instance
- QImage(filename:String):QImage
- Loads an image from the disk
- QImage(width:int,height:int):QImage
- Creates a new QImage class instance
- drawLine(image:QImage,start:QPoint,end:QPoint,color:QColor):void
- Draws a line segment into a QImage
- get(image:QImage,x:int,y:int):QRgb
- Returns an image pixel
- height(image:QImage):int
- Returns the height of an image
- save(image:QImage,file_name:String):void
- Saves the image to the disk
- scale(image:QImage,width:int,height:int):QImage
- Scales a QImage to the given size
- set(image:QImage,x:int,y:int,color:QRgb):void
- Sets an image pixel
- show(image:QImage):void
- Shows an QImage in a widget
- width(image:QImage):int
- Returns the width of an image
- QPointF(list:List):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from a list
- QPointF(x:double,y:double):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from two floats
- x(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QPoint(x:int,y:int):QPoint
- Creates a QPoint instance from two integers
- x(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QRectF():QRectF
- Creates an empty QRectF instance
- QRectF(list:List):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four floating point numbers
- QRectF(x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four doubles
- height(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRectF instance from floats
- width(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QRect():QRect
- Creates an empty QRect instance
- QRect(x:int,y:int,width:int,height:int):QRect
- Creates a QRect instance from integers
- height(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRect instance from floats
- width(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QSizeF(width:double,height:double):QSizeF
- Creates a new floating point size from width and height
- QSize(width:int,height:int):QSize
- Creates a new size from width and height
- QString(value:String):QString
- Creates a QString from a string
- attach(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes the status of the widget
- fullscreen(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Sets the widgets full screen mode
- resize(widget:QWidget,width:int,height:int):void
- Changes the size of a widget
- show(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes a visibility status of a widget
- QtTimer(command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer without starting it
- QtTimer(time:int,command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer and starts it with the given timeout period
- start(timer:QtTimer,time:int):void
- Starts a timer which executes a command on timeout
- stop(timer:QtTimer):void
- Stops the timer
- String(value:QString):String
- Creates a String from a QString
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QtPixelRef):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QRgb):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- add(vector:std::vector<QImage>,element:QImage):QImage
- Adds an entry to the vector by copying the contents
- clear(vector:std::vector<QImage>):void
- Clears the vector
Here you will find the class functions of 'QRectF' defined in the library 'qttools'.
- QColor(color:String):QColor
- Creates a QColor instance from a string with the color name
- QColor(r:int,g:int,b:int):QColor
- Converts integer values to a QColor instance
- QImage(filename:String):QImage
- Loads an image from the disk
- QImage(width:int,height:int):QImage
- Creates a new QImage class instance
- drawLine(image:QImage,start:QPoint,end:QPoint,color:QColor):void
- Draws a line segment into a QImage
- get(image:QImage,x:int,y:int):QRgb
- Returns an image pixel
- height(image:QImage):int
- Returns the height of an image
- save(image:QImage,file_name:String):void
- Saves the image to the disk
- scale(image:QImage,width:int,height:int):QImage
- Scales a QImage to the given size
- set(image:QImage,x:int,y:int,color:QRgb):void
- Sets an image pixel
- show(image:QImage):void
- Shows an QImage in a widget
- width(image:QImage):int
- Returns the width of an image
- QPointF(list:List):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from a list
- QPointF(x:double,y:double):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from two floats
- x(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QPoint(x:int,y:int):QPoint
- Creates a QPoint instance from two integers
- x(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QRectF():QRectF
- Creates an empty QRectF instance
- QRectF(list:List):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four floating point numbers
- QRectF(x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four doubles
- height(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRectF instance from floats
- width(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QRect():QRect
- Creates an empty QRect instance
- QRect(x:int,y:int,width:int,height:int):QRect
- Creates a QRect instance from integers
- height(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRect instance from floats
- width(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QSizeF(width:double,height:double):QSizeF
- Creates a new floating point size from width and height
- QSize(width:int,height:int):QSize
- Creates a new size from width and height
- QString(value:String):QString
- Creates a QString from a string
- attach(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes the status of the widget
- fullscreen(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Sets the widgets full screen mode
- resize(widget:QWidget,width:int,height:int):void
- Changes the size of a widget
- show(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes a visibility status of a widget
- QtTimer(command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer without starting it
- QtTimer(time:int,command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer and starts it with the given timeout period
- start(timer:QtTimer,time:int):void
- Starts a timer which executes a command on timeout
- stop(timer:QtTimer):void
- Stops the timer
- String(value:QString):String
- Creates a String from a QString
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QtPixelRef):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QRgb):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- add(vector:std::vector<QImage>,element:QImage):QImage
- Adds an entry to the vector by copying the contents
- clear(vector:std::vector<QImage>):void
- Clears the vector
Here you will find the class functions of 'QRect' defined in the library 'qttools'.
- QColor(color:String):QColor
- Creates a QColor instance from a string with the color name
- QColor(r:int,g:int,b:int):QColor
- Converts integer values to a QColor instance
- QImage(filename:String):QImage
- Loads an image from the disk
- QImage(width:int,height:int):QImage
- Creates a new QImage class instance
- drawLine(image:QImage,start:QPoint,end:QPoint,color:QColor):void
- Draws a line segment into a QImage
- get(image:QImage,x:int,y:int):QRgb
- Returns an image pixel
- height(image:QImage):int
- Returns the height of an image
- save(image:QImage,file_name:String):void
- Saves the image to the disk
- scale(image:QImage,width:int,height:int):QImage
- Scales a QImage to the given size
- set(image:QImage,x:int,y:int,color:QRgb):void
- Sets an image pixel
- show(image:QImage):void
- Shows an QImage in a widget
- width(image:QImage):int
- Returns the width of an image
- QPointF(list:List):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from a list
- QPointF(x:double,y:double):QPointF
- Creates a QPointF instance from two floats
- x(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPointF):double
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QPoint(x:int,y:int):QPoint
- Creates a QPoint instance from two integers
- x(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the X-coordinate of the point
- y(point:QPoint):int
- Provides modifying access to the Y-coordinate of the point
- QRectF():QRectF
- Creates an empty QRectF instance
- QRectF(list:List):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four floating point numbers
- QRectF(x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):QRectF
- Creates a QRectF instance from a list of four doubles
- height(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRectF instance from floats
- width(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRectF):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QRect():QRect
- Creates an empty QRect instance
- QRect(x:int,y:int,width:int,height:int):QRect
- Creates a QRect instance from integers
- height(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the height of the rectangle
- set(rect:QRectF,x:double,y:double,width:double,height:double):void
- Modifies a QRect instance from floats
- width(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the width of the rectangle
- x(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the X-coordinate of the rectangle
- y(rect:QRect):double
- Provides access to the Y-coordinate of the rectangle
- QSizeF(width:double,height:double):QSizeF
- Creates a new floating point size from width and height
- QSize(width:int,height:int):QSize
- Creates a new size from width and height
- QString(value:String):QString
- Creates a QString from a string
- attach(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes the status of the widget
- fullscreen(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Sets the widgets full screen mode
- resize(widget:QWidget,width:int,height:int):void
- Changes the size of a widget
- show(widget:QWidget,status:bool):void
- Changes a visibility status of a widget
- QtTimer(command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer without starting it
- QtTimer(time:int,command:):QtTimer
- Creates a timer and starts it with the given timeout period
- start(timer:QtTimer,time:int):void
- Starts a timer which executes a command on timeout
- stop(timer:QtTimer):void
- Stops the timer
- String(value:QString):String
- Creates a String from a QString
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QtPixelRef):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- =(pixel:QtPixelRef,value:QRgb):void
- Sets a pixel value at a given image position
- add(vector:std::vector<QImage>,element:QImage):QImage
- Adds an entry to the vector by copying the contents
- clear(vector:std::vector<QImage>):void
- Clears the vector