
File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
block.hThis file contains the definition of execution blocks
call.hThis file contains the function call commands
callback.hThis file contains declarations for platform independent callback functions based on timers
class.hThis file contains the definition of class instances
cmaketools.hThis file contains operations on ContRap CMake files
command.hThis file contains the definition of basic ContRap commands
conditional.hThis file contains the definition of conditional statements
console.hThis file contains platform independent console communication class
contrap.hThis file contains all necessary includes to run ContRap and the core library documentation
coreexports.hThis file contains the library export definitions for the core
docgen.hThis file is a part of ContRap
dynamicloader.hThis file contains declarations of platform-independent dynamic
engine.hThis file subsumes a parser and the corresponding interpreter into one symbolic engine unit
error.hThis implements the error exceptions
exports.hThis file contains the platform dependent export expressions
filetools.hThis file contains platform independent file operations
function.hThis file contains the definition of function plugins
identifier.hThis file contains the definition of identifiers
instance.hThis file contains the definition of class instances
interpreter.hThis file defines the ContRap interpreter
library.hThis file contains the definition of plugin libraries
list.hThis file implements a list container class for objects
logger.hThis file contains the declaration of the logger
moduleinfo.hThis file contains the class which gives information about plugins
object.hThis file contains the definition of objects
objectfactory.hThis file contains the meta information and meta registration implementation
options.hThis file contains the plugin management system
parser.hThis the command parser of ContRap
plugin.hThis file contains the definition included by plugins
pluginmanager.hThis file contains the plugin management system
pointer.hThis file contains the smart reference counting pointer implementation
scope.hThis file defines name scopes
serializer.hThis file contains declarations for platform independent time measuring
socket.hThis file contains declarations for platform independent socket handling
stltools.hThis file contains common tools for the STL
stringtokenizer.hThis file contains the string tokenizer
stringtools.hThis file contains common string operations
systemtools.hThis file contains platform independent system operations
template.hThis file contains the definition of a template object
thread.hThis file contains declarations of platform independent threads
timer.hThis file contains declarations for platform independent time measuring
typecast.hThis file contains type casting template functions
types.hThis file contains the user-level type definitions
utilities.hThis file is a part of ContRap
xmldatapool.hThis file contains a simple XML parser
xmllayout.hThis file contains a general purpose abstract XML-based layouter
xmlparser.hThis file contains a simple XML parser
xmlpool.hThis file contains a simple XML parser
xmltextlayout.hThis file contains the XML console (monospace) xml layouter