crp::Abort | Exception Abort is thrown within a procedure to indicate that it is not usable with the given arguments |
crp::ArgCommand | Class ArgCommand is a command which has a list of arguments |
crp::Assignment | Class Assignment represents assignments of identifiers |
crp::AtomicFunction | Class AtomicFunction is the base interface for ContRap atomic functions |
crp::Block | Class Block represents blocks in the control flow structure |
crp::Serializer::Block | Serializer block |
crp::Break | Class Break is the exception thrown by within a loop when needed to break it |
crp::Call | Class Call is a command which calls a function |
crp::CallBack | Class CallBack is a base class for call-back functions |
crp::PluginManager::CastCache | Cache structure for static casts |
crp::Class | Class Class represents the memory layout the static members in a ContRap class |
crp::ClientSocket | Class ClientSocket is a platform independent client socket |
crp::CMakeFolder | Class CMakeFolder represents a folder with a ContRap CMake file |
crp::Command | Class Command is the base interface for all ContRap commands |
crp::Conditional | Class Conditional represents conditional branches |
crp::Console | Class Console implements the console stream communication with a process |
crp::Declaration | Class declaration is represents a list of assignments or identifiers, where each of them declares a local identifier |
crp::DPtr | Class DPtr is a base weak typed class for smart pointers |
crp::Engine | Class Engine is a combination of a parser and an interpreter |
crp::EoFError | Class EoFError is an error thrown by the parser in case of the input end |
crp::Error | Class Error is the main error class thrown |
crp::EvalThread | Class EvalThread is a thread, which evaluates an expression |
crp::Executable | Class Executable composes an expression, an engine and an evaluation scope |
crp::ExternalFunction | Class ExternalFunction encapsulates the external function type as an object |
crp::Finalizer | Class Finalizer is a pair of an object pointer and the corresponding destructor |
crp::Function | Class Function is the main structure for representing polymorphic functions of ContRap |
crp::Identifier | Class Identifier is an object which represents identifiers |
crp::Instance | Class Instance represents an instance of a ContRap native class |
crp::InternalFunction | Class InternalFunction represents a function defined with the ContRap language |
crp::Interpreter | Class Interpreter implements the command interpreter of ContRap |
crp::Interrupt | Exception Interrupt is an exception thrown by the code if a break is requested |
crp::LayoutBox | Class LayoutBox is an atomic layout item |
crp::Library | Class Library is a library descriptor |
crp::List | Class List represents list objects |
crp::ListRef | Class ListRef is a reference to list entries |
crp::Load | Class Load represents the load command for libraries |
crp::Logger | Logger collects logging messages and returns them to a desired target on demand |
crp::LoggerMessage | Class LoggerMessage represents a message with type, string, and sender |
crp::MetaInfo | Class MetaInfo contains objects meta-information |
crp::ModuleInfo | Class ModuleInfo is used to describe module properties at runtime |
crp::Mutex | Class Mutex is a platform-independent mutex wrapper |
crp::Object | Class Object is the interface for all ContRap objects |
crp::ObjectFactory | Object factory provides an interface for instantiating objects from a string holding the type |
crp::Library::ObjectInfo | Internal class to save meta information together with the object implementation |
crp::Scope::ObjectProperty | Object properties class |
crp::Operator | Class Operator defines the properties of an operator |
crp::Option | Class Option represents an option to call in a function |
crp::Options | Class Options implements a singleton options container |
crp::Parameter | Class Parameter is an identifier type for representing parameters of functions |
crp::Parser | Class Parser implements the parser of ContRap commands |
crp::PluginManager | Class PluginManager implements a singleton plugin library management interface |
crp::XMLDataPool::PoolEntry | Class PoolEntry is an internal structure for nodes in the XML data pool |
crp::Quit | Exception Quit is a message thrown by the code if a quit is requested |
crp::RefPtr | Class RefPtr is an internal pointer class which implements the reference counter |
crp::Return | Class Return is the exception thrown by a procedure when returning to the caller |
crp::Scope | Class Scope defines a relation between identifier names and their values within name scopes |
crp::Selector | Class Selector represents nested scope or class selection commands |
crp::Serializer | Class Serializer is a weak typed representation of objects for sending them through a serial stream |
crp::ServerSocket | Class ServerSocket is a platform independent server socket implementation |
crp::Socket | Class Socket is a platform independent socket implementation |
crp::SPtr< T > | Class SPtr is a template typed reference counting pointer |
crp::State | Class State describes the state of the ContRap interpreter |
crp::Statement | Class Statement represents system commands, which should not be overloaded by the user |
crp::Stop | Exception Stop is a message thrown by the code if a interpreter stop is requested |
crp::String | Class String is the wrapped class for strings |
crp::StringTokenizer | Class StringTokenizer implements a decomposition of a string into tokens separated by a set of delimiters |
crp::Template | Class Template is the base interface class for template objects |
crp::Thread | Class Thread implements a user level thread |
crp::Timer | Timer is a platform independent timer class |
crp::WaitCondition | Class WaitCondition implements a wait condition variable |
crp::XMLDataPool | Class XMLDataPool is a query class object for XML-trees |
crp::XMLError | Class XMLError is the base class for all XML errors |
crp::XMLGlyphPrinter | Class XMLGlyphPrinter is an abstract glyph printing interface |
crp::XMLLayout | Class XMLLayout is an abstract text layouter and printer of XML-formatted texts |
crp::XMLLayoutBox | Class XMLLayoutBox is an atomic layout item |
crp::XMLParser | Class XMLParser is an event driven base class to parse XML formatted strings |
crp::XMLPool | Class XMLPool is a query class object for XML-trees |
crp::XMLRule | Class XMLRule is a descriptor of complex drawing objects like tables, lists, etc |
crp::XMLStreamParser | Class XMLStreamParser is a stream based XML parser for text strings |
crp::XMLTextLayout | Class XMLTextLayout is a layout class to print XML formatted strings to console or to a text file |