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crp::Interpreter Class Reference

Class Interpreter implements the command interpreter of ContRap. More...

#include <interpreter.h>

Public Types

enum  DebugLevel {

Debug levels.


Public Member Functions

 Interpreter (int debugger, Engine *engine)
 Creates a new interpreter.
 ~Interpreter ()
 Releases the memory.
void clear ()
 Clears the interpreter.
DPtr evaluate (const DPtr &data, const SPtr< Scope > &scope=0)
 Evaluates one statement.
DPtr type_cast (const DPtr &object, const std::string &type, const SPtr< Scope > &scope=0)
 Makes a full type cast of the object to the given type.
DPtr call (const DPtr &function, const SPtr< List > &arguments, SPtr< Scope > scope=0, const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &options=empty_options)
 Calls a function with given arguments if possible.
DPtr call (const std::string &function, const SPtr< List > &arguments, SPtr< Scope > scope=0, const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &options=empty_options)
 Calls a function by name with given arguments if possible.
DPtr check_call (const DPtr &function, const SPtr< List > &arguments, SPtr< Scope > scope=0)
 Calls a function with given arguments if possible.
DPtr check_call (const std::string &function, const SPtr< List > &arguments, const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &options, SPtr< Scope > scope=0)
 Calls a function with given arguments if possible.
DPtr load_library (const std::string &library, Library::OpenMode mode=Library::NO_CHANGE)
 Tells the interpreter to load a library.
const SPtr< Scope > & get_scope ()
 Returns the global scope.
const SPtr< List > & get_history ()
 Returns the output history.
void set_recursion_depth (int depth)
 Sets the maximal depth of the recursion.
bool halt (bool status)
 Aborts the current evaluation.
void set_debug_level (int status=NO_DEBUG)
 Sets the debug level for intermediate computations.
int get_debug_level ()
 Returns the current debug level.
void set_strict (bool status=false)
 Sets the strict mode.
int get_strict ()
 Returns the current strict status.
void set_trace (const std::string &function, bool status)
 Adds a function to the list of traced functions.
void clear_trace ()
 Clears the list of traced functions.

Static Public Attributes

static std::map< std::string,
 Empty options struct.

Protected Member Functions

void init (int debugger=0)
 Initializes the interpreter.
void init_interface ()
 Initializes the libraries and the variables.
void finalize ()
 Prepares the interpreter for deletion.
DPtr evaluate (const DPtr &object, SPtr< Scope > scope, const std::string &exception, int depth, int casts)
 Evaluates one statement.
DPtr type_cast (const DPtr &object, const std::string &type, const SPtr< Scope > &scope, int depth, int casts)
 Makes a full type cast of the object to the given type.
DPtr light_cast (const DPtr &object, const std::string &type)
 Makes a light type cast of the object to the given type.
DPtr call_eval (const std::string &name, const DPtr &object, const SPtr< List > &arguments, const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &options, const SPtr< Scope > &scope, const std::string &exception, int depth, int casts)
 Returns the result of the function, which is suitable for being called with the given arguments.
DPtr check_call_eval (const std::string &name, const DPtr &object, const SPtr< List > &arguments, const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &options, const SPtr< Scope > &scope, const std::string &exception, int depth, int casts)
 Returns the result of the function, which is suitable for being called with the given arguments.
DPtr check_call (const std::string &name, const DPtr &object, const SPtr< List > &arguments, const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &options, const SPtr< Scope > &scope, const std::string &exception, int depth, int casts)
 Returns the result of the function, which is suitable for being called with the given arguments.
DPtr check_call_atomic (const std::string &name, const DPtr &object, const SPtr< List > &arguments, const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &options, const SPtr< Scope > &scope, const std::string &exception, int depth, int casts)
 Returns the result of the atomic function, which is suitable for being called with the given arguments.
int prepare_function_call (const std::string &name, const SPtr< AtomicFunction > &function, const SPtr< List > &arguments, SPtr< List > &casted, const SPtr< Scope > &scope, int &n, int depth, int casts)
 Prepares the execution of a function.
bool check_condition (const std::string &name, const SPtr< AtomicFunction > &function, const SPtr< List > &arguments, const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &options, const SPtr< Scope > &scope, int depth, int casts)
 Checks the function condition.
SPtr< Listevaluate_arguments (const SPtr< List > &list, List::iterator start, List::iterator stop, const SPtr< Scope > &scope)
 Evaluates a list of arguments.
DPtr create_class (const SPtr< Block > &block, const SPtr< Scope > &scope)
 Creates a class instance.
DPtr new_object (const std::string &type, const SPtr< Class > &object, const SPtr< List > &arguments, const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &options, const SPtr< Scope > &scope, int depth)
 Creates a new object.
bool evaluate_boolean (const DPtr &statement, const SPtr< Scope > &scope, int depth)
 Evaluation of boolean expressions.
DPtr evaluate_selector (const SPtr< Selector > &selector, SPtr< Scope > scope, const std::string &exception, int depth, int casts)
 Evaluates a selector.
DPtr assign_lvalue (DPtr &lvalue, const DPtr &rvalue, const SPtr< Scope > &scope, int depth, int casts)
 Assignes an lvalue.
DPtr collect_arguments (DPtr function, SPtr< List > arguments)
 Collects the evaluated arguments to a function.
void populate_scope (const SPtr< List > &parameters, const SPtr< List > &arguments, const std::list< Option > &defaults, const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &options, SPtr< Scope > &scope, SPtr< List > real_options, int depth)
 Populates the scope with values.
DPtr call_function (const std::string &name, const SPtr< AtomicFunction > &function, SPtr< List > arguments, const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &options, SPtr< Scope > scope, int depth, int casts)
 Function call.
bool check_debug (const std::string &name, const SPtr< Scope > &scope)
 Checks if the function is set to be traced.
DPtr load_libraries (const SPtr< List > &libraries, const SPtr< Scope > &scope, Library::OpenMode mode)
 Loads methods from a library.
void unload_libraries (const SPtr< List > &libraries)
 Unloads a library.
SPtr< Listevaluate_list (const SPtr< List > &list, const SPtr< Scope > &scope, const std::string &exception, int depth, int casts)
 List evaluation.

Protected Attributes

SPtr< Scopeglobal_scope
 An interpreter has a global name scope.
 Plugin manager.
 Object factory.
bool stop
 If abort flag is set the interpreter exits in the next evaluate call.
int debug_level
 Debugging level.
std::map< std::string, bool > trace
 Trace flag.
bool strict
 Strict mode is the non symbolic mode of contrap.
SPtr< Listhistory
 Corresponding parser.
int stack_depth
 Stack depth.
SPtr< bool > True
 Global boolean variables.
SPtr< bool > False

Detailed Description

Class Interpreter implements the command interpreter of ContRap.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Debug levels.


No debugging messages reported.


Debug procedure entries and returns.


Debug procedure search mechanisms.


Debug procedure argument evaluation.

Notice that the arguments of the final function are shown anyway if ENTRY_DEBUG is on.


Low level debug for developing functions.

In this mode low level features, like assignments are shown.


User debug flag.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

crp::Interpreter::Interpreter ( int  debugger,
Engine engine 

Creates a new interpreter.

debuggerIf set to a value different to zero the debugging mode is on from the beginning
engineEngine is coupled with the corresponding text parser
crp::Interpreter::~Interpreter ( )

Releases the memory.

Member Function Documentation

DPtr crp::Interpreter::assign_lvalue ( DPtr lvalue,
const DPtr rvalue,
const SPtr< Scope > &  scope,
int  depth,
int  casts 
) [protected]

Assignes an lvalue.

DPtr crp::Interpreter::call ( const DPtr function,
const SPtr< List > &  arguments,
SPtr< Scope scope = 0,
const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &  options = empty_options 

Calls a function with given arguments if possible.

If there is no corresponding function a call statement is returned. Use check_call() if you want to decide if a function can be called.

NOTICE: The function does NOT evaluate its arguments

functionStatement pointing to a function sequence
argumentsArguments of the function
scopeScope of the evaluation
Resulting value
DPtr crp::Interpreter::call ( const std::string &  function,
const SPtr< List > &  arguments,
SPtr< Scope scope = 0,
const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &  options = empty_options 

Calls a function by name with given arguments if possible.

If there is no corresponding function a call statement is returned. Use check_call() if you want to decide if a function can be called.

NOTICE: The function does NOT evaluate its arguments

functionFunction name
argumentsArguments of the function
scopeScope of the evaluation
Resulting value
DPtr crp::Interpreter::call_eval ( const std::string &  name,
const DPtr object,
const SPtr< List > &  arguments,
const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &  options,
const SPtr< Scope > &  scope,
const std::string &  exception,
int  depth,
int  casts 
) [protected]

Returns the result of the function, which is suitable for being called with the given arguments.

If there is no such function a symbolic call description is returned.

nameName of the function
objectStatement pointing to a function sequence
argumentsArguments of the function
scopeScope of the evaluation
exceptionExceptional symbol
depthRecursion depth
nameName of the function
castsNumber of recursive casts
Resulting value
DPtr crp::Interpreter::call_function ( const std::string &  name,
const SPtr< AtomicFunction > &  function,
SPtr< List arguments,
const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &  options,
SPtr< Scope scope,
int  depth,
int  casts 
) [protected]

Function call.

nameName of the function in the local context
functionFunction statement
argumentsList with the arguments of the function
scopeExecution scope
depthRecursion depth
castsNumber of recursive casts
DPtr crp::Interpreter::check_call ( const DPtr function,
const SPtr< List > &  arguments,
SPtr< Scope scope = 0 

Calls a function with given arguments if possible.

If there is no corresponding function an invalid pointer is returned.

NOTICE: The function does NOT evaluate its arguments

functionStatement pointing to a function sequence
argumentsArguments of the function
scopeScope of the evaluation
Resulting value
DPtr crp::Interpreter::check_call ( const std::string &  name,
const DPtr object,
const SPtr< List > &  arguments,
const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &  options,
const SPtr< Scope > &  scope,
const std::string &  exception,
int  depth,
int  casts 
) [protected]

Returns the result of the function, which is suitable for being called with the given arguments.

If there is no such function an invalid pointer is returned.

nameName of the function
objectStatement pointing to a function sequence
argumentsArguments of the function
scopeScope of the evaluation
depthRecursion depth
castsNuber of recursive casts
Object of the function to execute or zero pointer
DPtr crp::Interpreter::check_call ( const std::string &  function,
const SPtr< List > &  arguments,
const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &  options,
SPtr< Scope scope = 0 

Calls a function with given arguments if possible.

If there is no corresponding function an invalid pointer is returned.

NOTICE: The function does NOT evaluate its arguments

functionStatement pointing to a function sequence
argumentsArguments of the function
scopeScope of the evaluation
Resulting value
DPtr crp::Interpreter::check_call_atomic ( const std::string &  name,
const DPtr object,
const SPtr< List > &  arguments,
const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &  options,
const SPtr< Scope > &  scope,
const std::string &  exception,
int  depth,
int  casts 
) [protected]

Returns the result of the atomic function, which is suitable for being called with the given arguments.

If there is no such function an invalid pointer is returned.

nameName of the function
objectStatement pointing to a function sequence
argumentsArguments of the function
scopeScope of the evaluation
depthRecursion depth
castsNuber of recursive casts
Object of the function to execute or zero pointer
DPtr crp::Interpreter::check_call_eval ( const std::string &  name,
const DPtr object,
const SPtr< List > &  arguments,
const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &  options,
const SPtr< Scope > &  scope,
const std::string &  exception,
int  depth,
int  casts 
) [protected]

Returns the result of the function, which is suitable for being called with the given arguments.

If there is no such function an invalid pointer is returned.

nameName of the function
objectStatement pointing to a function sequence
argumentsArguments of the function
scopeScope of the evaluation
exceptionExceptional symbol
depthRecursion depth
castsNuber of recursive casts
Object of the function to execute or zero pointer
bool crp::Interpreter::check_condition ( const std::string &  name,
const SPtr< AtomicFunction > &  function,
const SPtr< List > &  arguments,
const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &  options,
const SPtr< Scope > &  scope,
int  depth,
int  casts 
) [protected]

Checks the function condition.

bool crp::Interpreter::check_debug ( const std::string &  name,
const SPtr< Scope > &  scope 
) [protected]

Checks if the function is set to be traced.

void crp::Interpreter::clear ( )

Clears the interpreter.

void crp::Interpreter::clear_trace ( )

Clears the list of traced functions.

Notice that if at least one function is traced, the interpreter might become inefficient.

DPtr crp::Interpreter::collect_arguments ( DPtr  function,
SPtr< List arguments 
) [protected]

Collects the evaluated arguments to a function.

DPtr crp::Interpreter::create_class ( const SPtr< Block > &  block,
const SPtr< Scope > &  scope 
) [protected]

Creates a class instance.

DPtr crp::Interpreter::evaluate ( const DPtr data,
const SPtr< Scope > &  scope = 0 

Evaluates one statement.

objectStatement to execute
scopeScope of the evaluation
Result of the execution
DPtr crp::Interpreter::evaluate ( const DPtr object,
SPtr< Scope scope,
const std::string &  exception,
int  depth,
int  casts 
) [protected]

Evaluates one statement.

objectStatement to execute
scopeScope to evaluate the expression
objectObject which is used for evaluation
exceptionException symbol for detection of recursive definitions
depthRecursion depth
castsNumber of recursive casts
Result of the execution
SPtr<List> crp::Interpreter::evaluate_arguments ( const SPtr< List > &  list,
List::iterator  start,
List::iterator  stop,
const SPtr< Scope > &  scope 
) [protected]

Evaluates a list of arguments.

listObeject to evaluate
startStarting iterator
stopStop iterator
List with evaluated arguments
bool crp::Interpreter::evaluate_boolean ( const DPtr statement,
const SPtr< Scope > &  scope,
int  depth 
) [protected]

Evaluation of boolean expressions.

statementStatement which should evaluate to boolean
scopeScope of the evaluation
Truth value
SPtr<List> crp::Interpreter::evaluate_list ( const SPtr< List > &  list,
const SPtr< Scope > &  scope,
const std::string &  exception,
int  depth,
int  casts 
) [protected]

List evaluation.

DPtr crp::Interpreter::evaluate_selector ( const SPtr< Selector > &  selector,
SPtr< Scope scope,
const std::string &  exception,
int  depth,
int  casts 
) [protected]

Evaluates a selector.

void crp::Interpreter::finalize ( ) [protected]

Prepares the interpreter for deletion.

int crp::Interpreter::get_debug_level ( ) [inline]

Returns the current debug level.

Current debug level.
const SPtr<List>& crp::Interpreter::get_history ( ) [inline]

Returns the output history.

Output history list
const SPtr<Scope>& crp::Interpreter::get_scope ( )

Returns the global scope.

Global scope
int crp::Interpreter::get_strict ( ) [inline]

Returns the current strict status.

True if the interpreter is in the strict mode.
bool crp::Interpreter::halt ( bool  status)

Aborts the current evaluation.

statusInterpreter status
The previous status
void crp::Interpreter::init ( int  debugger = 0) [protected]

Initializes the interpreter.

void crp::Interpreter::init_interface ( ) [protected]

Initializes the libraries and the variables.

DPtr crp::Interpreter::light_cast ( const DPtr object,
const std::string &  type 
) [protected]

Makes a light type cast of the object to the given type.

A light cast only checks for synatcatica equality of types.

objectObject to cast
typeName of the type to cast to
scopeScope of the evaluation
depthRecursion depth
castsNumber of recursive casts
Casted object or null pointer if no cast is possible
DPtr crp::Interpreter::load_libraries ( const SPtr< List > &  libraries,
const SPtr< Scope > &  scope,
Library::OpenMode  mode 
) [protected]

Loads methods from a library.

librariesObjects to load
scopeEvaluation scope
modeOpen mode for this and dependent libraries
Loaded object
DPtr crp::Interpreter::load_library ( const std::string &  library,
Library::OpenMode  mode = Library::NO_CHANGE 

Tells the interpreter to load a library.

libraryName of the library
modeOpen mode of the library
Result of the loading process
DPtr crp::Interpreter::new_object ( const std::string &  type,
const SPtr< Class > &  object,
const SPtr< List > &  arguments,
const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &  options,
const SPtr< Scope > &  scope,
int  depth 
) [protected]

Creates a new object.

typeName of the type of the object
objectObject pointing to an object description
argumentsArguments of the constructor
scopeScope of the evaluation
exceptionExceptional symbol
depthRecursion depth
Resulting value
void crp::Interpreter::populate_scope ( const SPtr< List > &  parameters,
const SPtr< List > &  arguments,
const std::list< Option > &  defaults,
const std::map< std::string, DPtr > &  options,
SPtr< Scope > &  scope,
SPtr< List real_options,
int  depth 
) [protected]

Populates the scope with values.

int crp::Interpreter::prepare_function_call ( const std::string &  name,
const SPtr< AtomicFunction > &  function,
const SPtr< List > &  arguments,
SPtr< List > &  casted,
const SPtr< Scope > &  scope,
int &  n,
int  depth,
int  casts 
) [protected]

Prepares the execution of a function.

void crp::Interpreter::set_debug_level ( int  status = NO_DEBUG) [inline]

Sets the debug level for intermediate computations.

Debug levels are encoded by integers, the greater the number the more debugging messages appear.

statusNew debug level, an or combination of DebugLevel flags.
void crp::Interpreter::set_recursion_depth ( int  depth) [inline]

Sets the maximal depth of the recursion.

depthRecursion depth
void crp::Interpreter::set_strict ( bool  status = false) [inline]

Sets the strict mode.

statusTrue if the interpreter should work in the strict mode.
void crp::Interpreter::set_trace ( const std::string &  function,
bool  status 
) [inline]

Adds a function to the list of traced functions.

functionExported name of the function or native function name.
statusIf set to true the function is traced.
DPtr crp::Interpreter::type_cast ( const DPtr object,
const std::string &  type,
const SPtr< Scope > &  scope = 0 

Makes a full type cast of the object to the given type.

A full type cast is performed with all available tools. This includes the syntactic type equality, a meta cast using the object factory and implicit conversion.

objectObject to cast
typeName of the type to cast to
scopeScope of the evaluation
Casted object an invalid pointer if no cast is possible
DPtr crp::Interpreter::type_cast ( const DPtr object,
const std::string &  type,
const SPtr< Scope > &  scope,
int  depth,
int  casts 
) [protected]

Makes a full type cast of the object to the given type.

objectObject to cast
typeName of the type to cast to
scopeScope of the evaluation
depthRecursion depth
castsNumber of recursive casts
Casted object or null pointer if no cast is possible
void crp::Interpreter::unload_libraries ( const SPtr< List > &  libraries) [protected]

Unloads a library.

librariesObjects to unload

Field Documentation

Debugging level.

A boolean or combination of DebugLevel flags.

std::map<std::string, DPtr> crp::Interpreter::empty_options [static]

Empty options struct.

Corresponding parser.

SPtr<bool> crp::Interpreter::False [protected]

An interpreter has a global name scope.


Object factory.

Plugin manager.

Stack depth.

bool crp::Interpreter::stop [protected]

If abort flag is set the interpreter exits in the next evaluate call.

bool crp::Interpreter::strict [protected]

Strict mode is the non symbolic mode of contrap.

std::map<std::string, bool> crp::Interpreter::trace [protected]

Trace flag.

SPtr<bool> crp::Interpreter::True [protected]

Global boolean variables.

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