
Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
crp::Array< T >Class Array defines basis functions for two dimensional arrays
crp::Circle2DClass Circle2D represents a circle
crp::ColorClass Color represents a system independent color
crp::Container2DClass Container2D represents a primitive container
crp::Function< Domain >Class Function is the most general function interface in ContRap
crp::GLCameraClass GLCamera represents a camera with it's coordinates, direction, and internal and external characteristics
crp::GLCameraPosA structure to hold a position and orientation of a camera in space
crp::GLColorDefines a system independent RGB color structure
crp::GLCSystemClass GLCSystem represents an orthogonal coordinate system in the three-dimensional space
crp::GLCubeClass GLCube represents cubes
crp::GLCuboidClass GLCuboid represents cuboids
crp::GLDiskClass GLDisk represents disks in the three-dimensional space
crp::GLIndexTriangleClass GLTriangle represents triangles constructed from already existing points
crp::GLLineClass GLLine represents lines in the three-dimensional space
crp::GLMatrix< rows, columns >Class DoubleMatrix is a storage for matrices with static size
crp::GLMeshClass GLMesh represents a meshed triangulated surface with texture data
crp::GLMeshDataClass GLMeshData is a basis class for custom mesh information
crp::GLMeshTriangleClass GLMeshTriangle is a specialized class to represent mesh triangles
crp::GLPictureClass GLPicture represents a quad primitive with a texture drawn on it
crp::GLPixelDouble vector in two dimensions
crp::GLPlaneClass GLPlane represents planes in the three-dimensional space
crp::GLPointClass GLPoint represents points in the three-dimensional space
crp::GLPointListClass GLPointList represents a list of points in the three-dimensional space
crp::GLPrimitiveClass GLPrimitive represents all OpenGL geometric primitives
crp::GLSceneClass GLScene is a container for OpenGL primitives
crp::GLSphereClass GLSphere represents spheres in the three-dimensional space
crp::GLSquareClass GLSquare represents squares in the three-dimensional space
crp::GLSTLModelClass GLSTLModel represents an STL model
crp::GLSurfaceClass GLSurface represents a smooth surface in space given by a two-dimensional parametrization
crp::GLSurfaceDataClass GLSurfaceData is a class which represents a surface paramerization
crp::GLTextClass GLText represents text in the three-dimensional space
crp::GLTextureClass Texture provides basic functions to assign and load a texture
crp::GLTorusClass GLTorus represents tori and cirxles in the three-dimensional space
crp::GLTriangleClass GLTriangle represents triangles in the three-dimensional space
crp::GLVertexDouble vector in three dimensions
crp::Image< T >Class Image encapsulates (two-dimensional) images
crp::IntervalFClass IntervalF is the floating point type interval
crp::Line2DClass Line2D is a line representation
crp::Image< T >::LineIteratorClass LineIterator iterates over a line
crp::PGMVideoClass PGMVideo loads and saves video files in the format consisting of a PGM header following by headerless images
crp::PixelClass Pixel represents pixel coordinates in the image
crp::Point2DClass Point2D represents a point
crp::Polygon2DClass Polygon2D represents a polygon
crp::Primitive2DClass Primitive2D is an interface for all geometric primitives
crp::Image< T >::PrimitiveIteratorPrimitiveIterator iterates over the pixels of a primitive
crp::RawImageDefines an interface for raw ContRap images
crp::RawPixelDefines the raw image pixel type
crp::Ray2DClass Line2D is a ray unbounded in both directions
crp::RealFunctionClass RealFunction represents an interface for functions from reals to reals
crp::RealPolynomialClass RealPolynomial represents a polynomial function over the reals
crp::RealStepFunctionClass RealStepFunction represents a step function over the reals
crp::Rect2DClass Rect2D is a rectangle representation
crp::Image< T >::RectIteratorClass RectIterator iterates over a rectangle
crp::RGBAPixelClass RGBA pixel defines pixels which have red green and blue values and an alpha channel value
crp::STLTriangleDefines an STL triangle
crp::Text2DClass Text2D represents a line of text
crp::Triangle2DClass Triangle2D represents a triangle
crp::Triplet2DClass Triplet2D is a lightweight equivalent of a triangle to store triangle structures over an initialized point sets
crp::VectorClass Vector is a template vector type