Data Structures | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions

crp Namespace Reference

Data Structures

struct  RGBAPixel
 Class RGBA pixel defines pixels which have red green and blue values and an alpha channel value. More...
class  Image
 Class Image encapsulates (two-dimensional) images. More...
class  PGMVideo
 Class PGMVideo loads and saves video files in the format consisting of a PGM header following by headerless images. More...
class  Pixel
 Class Pixel represents pixel coordinates in the image. More...
class  Color
 Class Color represents a system independent color. More...
class  Primitive2D
 Class Primitive2D is an interface for all geometric primitives. More...
class  Point2D
 Class Point2D represents a point. More...
class  Rect2D
 Class Rect2D is a rectangle representation. More...
class  Line2D
 Class Line2D is a line representation. More...
class  Ray2D
 Class Line2D is a ray unbounded in both directions. More...
class  Circle2D
 Class Circle2D represents a circle. More...
class  Triplet2D
 Class Triplet2D is a lightweight equivalent of a triangle to store triangle structures over an initialized point sets. More...
class  Triangle2D
 Class Triangle2D represents a triangle. More...
class  Text2D
 Class Text2D represents a line of text. More...
class  Polygon2D
 Class Polygon2D represents a polygon. More...
class  Ellipse2D
class  Container2D
 Class Container2D represents a primitive container. More...
class  RawPixel
 Defines the raw image pixel type. More...
class  RawImage
 Defines an interface for raw ContRap images. More...
class  Array
 Class Array defines basis functions for two dimensional arrays. More...
class  Function
 Class Function is the most general function interface in ContRap. More...
class  RealFunction
 Class RealFunction represents an interface for functions from reals to reals. More...
class  RealPolynomial
 Class RealPolynomial represents a polynomial function over the reals. More...
class  RealStepFunction
 Class RealStepFunction represents a step function over the reals. More...
class  IntervalF
 Class IntervalF is the floating point type interval. More...
struct  GLCameraPos
 A structure to hold a position and orientation of a camera in space. More...
class  GLCamera
 Class GLCamera represents a camera with it's coordinates, direction, and internal and external characteristics. More...
class  GLColor
 Defines a system independent RGB color structure. More...
class  GLCSystem
 Class GLCSystem represents an orthogonal coordinate system in the three-dimensional space. More...
class  GLCube
 Class GLCube represents cubes. More...
class  GLCuboid
 Class GLCuboid represents cuboids. More...
class  GLDisk
 Class GLDisk represents disks in the three-dimensional space. More...
class  GLLine
 Class GLLine represents lines in the three-dimensional space. More...
class  GLPixel
 Double vector in two dimensions. More...
class  GLVertex
 Double vector in three dimensions. More...
class  GLMatrix
 Class DoubleMatrix is a storage for matrices with static size. More...
class  GLMeshTriangle
 Class GLMeshTriangle is a specialized class to represent mesh triangles. More...
class  GLMeshData
 Class GLMeshData is a basis class for custom mesh information. More...
class  GLMesh
 Class GLMesh represents a meshed triangulated surface with texture data. More...
class  GLPicture
 Class GLPicture represents a quad primitive with a texture drawn on it. More...
class  GLPlane
 Class GLPlane represents planes in the three-dimensional space. More...
class  GLPoint
 Class GLPoint represents points in the three-dimensional space. More...
class  GLPointList
 Class GLPointList represents a list of points in the three-dimensional space. More...
class  GLPrimitive
 Class GLPrimitive represents all OpenGL geometric primitives. More...
class  GLScene
 Class GLScene is a container for OpenGL primitives. More...
class  GLSphere
 Class GLSphere represents spheres in the three-dimensional space. More...
class  GLSquare
 Class GLSquare represents squares in the three-dimensional space. More...
struct  STLTriangle
 Defines an STL triangle. More...
class  GLSTLModel
 Class GLSTLModel represents an STL model. More...
class  GLSurfaceData
 Class GLSurfaceData is a class which represents a surface paramerization. More...
class  GLSurface
 Class GLSurface represents a smooth surface in space given by a two-dimensional parametrization. More...
class  GLText
 Class GLText represents text in the three-dimensional space. More...
class  GLTexture
 Class Texture provides basic functions to assign and load a texture. More...
class  GLTorus
 Class GLTorus represents tori and cirxles in the three-dimensional space. More...
class  GLTriangle
 Class GLTriangle represents triangles in the three-dimensional space. More...
class  GLIndexTriangle
 Class GLTriangle represents triangles constructed from already existing points. More...
class  QtPixelRef
class  QtWidget
class  Vector
 Class Vector is a template vector type. More...


typedef unsigned char GVPixel
 Grayvalue pixel type.
typedef Array< std::string > StringTable
 String tables are arrays of strings.
typedef GLMatrix< 3, 3 > GLMatrix3x3
 Definitions for fixed size matrices.
typedef GLMatrix< 4, 4 > GLMatrix4x4


enum  PointStyle {

Defines the style of the point.



CONTRAP_IMAGES_API bool load_PPM (Image< RGBAPixel > &image, const std::string &file_name)
 Loads a PPM image.
CONTRAP_IMAGES_API bool save_PPM (const Image< RGBAPixel > &image, const std::string &file_name, bool ASCII)
 Saves a PPM image.
CONTRAP_IMAGES_API bool load_PFM (Image< float > &image, const std::string &file_name)
 Loads a PFM image.
CONTRAP_IMAGES_API bool save_PFM (const Image< float > &image, const std::string &file_name, bool ASCII)
 Saves a PFM image.
CONTRAP_IMAGES_API bool load_RGBA_image (Image< RGBAPixel > &image, const std::string &file_name)
 Loads an RGBA image from file.
Users lasaruk Projects ContRap
Libraries src imageprocessing
imageencoder h
codec_from_name (const std::string &codec_name)
 Returns the codec type from name.
encode_YpCbCr_422_32_to_ARGB_32 (unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output, int size)
 Encodes an image in Y'CbCr format with 32 bits per pixel subdivided in 4:2:2 bytes.
encode_GRAYVALUE_8_to_ARGB_32 (unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output, int size)
 Encodes an image in grayvalue format to an ARGB image with 32 bits.
encode_GRAYVALUE_16_to_ARGB_32 (unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output, int size)
 Encodes an image in 16-bit linear format to an ARGB image with 32 bits.
encode_ARGB_32_to_GRAYVALUE_8 (unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output, int size)
 Encodes an image in grayvalue format to an ARGB image with 32 bits.
encode_image (const RawImage &input, RawImage &output)
 Encodes image according to the codecs provided in the images.
template<class T >
CONTRAP_IMAGES_API void apply_homography (const DoubleMatrix3x3 &H, const Image< T > &input, Image< T > &output)
 Applies a homography to each point of an image and writes it to an other image.
CONTRAP_IMAGES_API bool inside_interval (double x, double start, double end)
 Interval check.
CONTRAP_MATH_API RealStepFunction real_histogram (const std::vector< double > &sample, int buckets, double minimum=FLT_MAX, double maximum=-FLT_MAX)
 Computes a histogram from a set of sample values of a real random variable.
complex s2c (const std::string &number)
 Creates a complex number from a string.
CONTRAP_MATH_API int real_moments_from_sample (const std::vector< double > &sample, std::vector< double > &moments, int n, bool central)
 Computes real moments of a real random variable from sample.
void hsv_to_rgb (double h, double s, double v, double &r, double &g, double &b)
 Computes the RGB value from a HSV value.
void set_angles_DIN9600 (double yaw, double pitch, double roll, GLMatrix3x3 &M)
 Creates a rotation matrix from yaw, pitch and roll according to the DIN 9600 norm.
void get_angles_DIN9600 (double &yaw, double &pitch, double &roll, GLMatrix3x3 &M)
 Computes the yaw, pitch, and the roll according to the DIN 9600 norm given a rotation matrix.

Typedef Documentation

typedef GLMatrix<3, 3> crp::GLMatrix3x3

Definitions for fixed size matrices.

typedef GLMatrix<4, 4> crp::GLMatrix4x4
typedef unsigned char crp::GVPixel

Grayvalue pixel type.

typedef Array<std::string> crp::StringTable

String tables are arrays of strings.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Defines the style of the point.


Function Documentation

template<class T >
CONTRAP_IMAGES_API void crp::apply_homography ( const DoubleMatrix3x3 &  H,
const Image< T > &  input,
Image< T > &  output 

Applies a homography to each point of an image and writes it to an other image.

inputInput image
outputOutput image
Users lasaruk Projects ContRap Libraries src imageprocessing imageencoder h CONTRAP_IMAGES_API int CONTRAP_IMAGES_API crp::codec_from_name ( const std::string &  codec_name)

Returns the codec type from name.

codec_nameName of the codec
CONTRAP_IMAGES_API void CONTRAP_IMAGES_API crp::encode_ARGB_32_to_GRAYVALUE_8 ( unsigned char *  input,
unsigned char *  output,
int  size 

Encodes an image in grayvalue format to an ARGB image with 32 bits.

inputImage to encode
outputResulting image
sizeSize of the input
CONTRAP_IMAGES_API void CONTRAP_IMAGES_API crp::encode_GRAYVALUE_16_to_ARGB_32 ( unsigned char *  input,
unsigned char *  output,
int  size 

Encodes an image in 16-bit linear format to an ARGB image with 32 bits.

inputImage to encode
outputResulting image
sizeSize of the input
CONTRAP_IMAGES_API void CONTRAP_IMAGES_API crp::encode_GRAYVALUE_8_to_ARGB_32 ( unsigned char *  input,
unsigned char *  output,
int  size 

Encodes an image in grayvalue format to an ARGB image with 32 bits.

inputImage to encode
outputResulting image
sizeSize of the input
CONTRAP_IMAGES_API bool CONTRAP_IMAGES_API crp::encode_image ( const RawImage &  input,
RawImage &  output 

Encodes image according to the codecs provided in the images.

inputInput image
outputOutput image
True if encoding was successful
CONTRAP_IMAGES_API void CONTRAP_IMAGES_API crp::encode_YpCbCr_422_32_to_ARGB_32 ( unsigned char *  input,
unsigned char *  output,
int  size 

Encodes an image in Y'CbCr format with 32 bits per pixel subdivided in 4:2:2 bytes.

inputImage to encode
outputResulting image
sizeSize of the input
void crp::get_angles_DIN9600 ( double &  yaw,
double &  pitch,
double &  roll,
GLMatrix3x3 &  M 
) [inline]

Computes the yaw, pitch, and the roll according to the DIN 9600 norm given a rotation matrix.

MA 3x3-matrix
void crp::hsv_to_rgb ( double  h,
double  s,
double  v,
double &  r,
double &  g,
double &  b 

Computes the RGB value from a HSV value.

hHue amount
sSaturation amount
vValue amount
rRed amount
gGreen amount
bBlue amount
CONTRAP_IMAGES_API bool crp::inside_interval ( double  x,
double  start,
double  end 

Interval check.

xPoint to test
startStart point of the interval
endEnd point of the interval
CONTRAP_IMAGES_API bool crp::load_PFM ( Image< float > &  image,
const std::string &  file_name 

Loads a PFM image.

imageColor image to load
file_nameName of the file
True if call has succeeded
CONTRAP_IMAGES_API bool crp::load_PPM ( Image< RGBAPixel > &  image,
const std::string &  file_name 

Loads a PPM image.

imageColor image to load
file_nameName of the file
True if call has succeeded
CONTRAP_IMAGES_API bool crp::load_RGBA_image ( Image< RGBAPixel > &  image,
const std::string &  file_name 

Loads an RGBA image from file.

imageColor image to load
file_nameName of the file
True if call has succeeded
CONTRAP_MATH_API RealStepFunction crp::real_histogram ( const std::vector< double > &  sample,
int  buckets,
double  minimum = FLT_MAX,
double  maximum = -FLT_MAX 

Computes a histogram from a set of sample values of a real random variable.

The range from the minimum to maximum value is subdivided into equidistant buckets.

sampleSample data
bucketsNumber of buckets specifying the precision of the computation
minimumOverrides the minimum value of the sample
maximumOverrides the maximum value of the sample
Step function representing the histogram
CONTRAP_MATH_API int crp::real_moments_from_sample ( const std::vector< double > &  sample,
std::vector< double > &  moments,
int  n,
bool  central 

Computes real moments of a real random variable from sample.

sampleSample of a real random variable
momentsMoments in ascending order wrt. their order
nNumber of moments
centralIf set to true central moments are computed
Number of moments for which the input data was sufficient
complex crp::s2c ( const std::string &  number)

Creates a complex number from a string.

numberComplex number as a string in a+bi format.
CONTRAP_IMAGES_API bool crp::save_PFM ( const Image< float > &  image,
const std::string &  file_name,
bool  ASCII 

Saves a PFM image.

imageColor image to load
file_nameName of the file
ASCIIIf true the saved data will be written in ASCII format
True if call has succeeded
CONTRAP_IMAGES_API bool crp::save_PPM ( const Image< RGBAPixel > &  image,
const std::string &  file_name,
bool  ASCII 

Saves a PPM image.

imageColor image to load
file_nameName of the file
ASCIIIf true the saved data will be written in ASCII format
True if call has succeeded
void crp::set_angles_DIN9600 ( double  yaw,
double  pitch,
double  roll,
GLMatrix3x3 &  M 
) [inline]

Creates a rotation matrix from yaw, pitch and roll according to the DIN 9600 norm.

MA 3x3-matrix